Thursday, February 27, 2014

RTI query from 'activist' CM Kejriwal's office goes unanswered

RTI query from 'activist' CM Kejriwal's office goes unanswered

LUCKNOW: An RTI application seeking information from the Delhi chief minister's office generated no reply except that the said application has been transferred to the department concerned.

If RTI reply to activist Sanjay Sharma is to be believed, Arvind Kejriwal's claims on inquiries initiated by his short lived government in matters related to previous governments, cabinet approval of Delhi government's decision to grant 50% waiver on pending electricity bills and tabling of Jan Lokpal Bill in Delhi assembly could not generate even a single piece of document in chief minister's office.

  Sharma had sought department wise information of inquiries initiated by present government in matters related to irregularities of previous governments.

He had also asked for certified copies of all documents including note sheets contained in files related to cabinet approval of Delhi government's decision to grant 50% waiver on pending electricity bills of consumers, besides other information on February 13.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Delhi Police 'refuse' info on action taken in Justice Ganguly case

Delhi Police have declined to share information about any action taken against former Supreme Court judge Justice A K Ganguly in an alleged sexual harassment case of a law intern, Lucknow based RTI activist Urvashi Sharma said.

Sharma had sought information under the Right to Information Act from Delhi Police about action taken against Justice Ganguly. She sought to know if there was any provision that barred police from taking cognisance of the matter in the way Goa Police had done in the Tarun Tejpal case.

Sharma said that police in their reply said there was no such provision full deccan herald story at

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

reminder 1 : Re: SC/ST students’ future at stake in U.P. : Demand to punish all guilty public servants who failed to get Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic of Lucknow approved by AICTE for academic Year 2011-12 & 2012-13 and also punish those who flauted admission & Examination norms for their vested interests

On 1/30/14, urvashi sharma <> wrote:
> By e-mail
> To,
> Sri Javed Usmani,The Chief Secretary,Uttar Pradesh
> Government,Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh,India-226001,"csup" <>
> Sub.: SC/ST students' future at stake in U.P. : Demand to punish all
> guilty public servants who failed to get Government Govind Ballabh
> Pant Polytechnic of Lucknow approved by AICTE for academic Year
> 2011-12 & 2012-13 and also punish those who flauted admission &
> Examination norms for their vested interests
> Sir,
> This is to bring to your notice that Govt. G. B. Pant Polytechnic of
> Lucknow is the only technical institute in the India that is being run
> by Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh since 1965 ,solely for
> the upliftment of SC/ST & OBC category students and to bring them
> into the mainstream of the society. Of the total students admitted in
> this institute, 70% are SC/ST, 27% OBC & 3% are from unreserved
> category.
> You must be aware that AICTE approval is mandatory for admissions and
> also for running of a technical institute but a RTI reply no.
> F.No.-11-175(RTI/2013-NRO)AICTE/171 dated 08-05-2013, Signed by Dr. P.
> K. Sahoo ,Director & Regional officer of AICTE Northern Regional
> Office and sent to me clearly states that Government Govind Ballabh
> Pant Polytechnic of Lucknow was not approved by AICTE for academic
> Year 2011-12 & 2012-13.
> I have come to know from other RTI papers that principal of the said
> institute siphoned-off a hefty amount of public money in the name of
> getting the institute approved by AICTE. Not only this, Secretary of
> Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh and Secretary of SANYUKT
> PRAVESH PARIKSHA PARISHAD ( JEEC ) of Uttar Pradesh are (left and
> right) hands-in-gloves with the fraudster Principal of the said
> Institute in this AICTE-APPROVAL-SCAM as all of these officials
> manipulated records and pretended as if the said institute was duly
> approved by AICTE in the said academic Sessions.
> Not only this, I am sure that Secretary of Board of Technical
> Education is a co-accused in this fraud and his office is continuously
> bribing Uttar Pradesh State Information Commissioner Mrs. Khadijatul
> Kubra to delay the impart of information related to the this subject
> matter to me. This needs thorough investigation as to what is
> refraining Secretary of Board of Technical Education from looking into
> the AICTE approval of the said institute and is taking no action at
> all.
> Not only this, Secretary of Joint Entrance Examination Council also
> played foul and allotted more than approved no. of students to this
> institute in previous sessions. The matter needs thorough
> investigation as to what tempted him to induct more than approved
> students to this institute.
> These public servants are playing with the future of hundreds of the
> SC/ST & OBC students and I have no hesitation to state that these are
> wolves in the skin of sheep who needs to be separated and sent to the
> jungle.
> So please get an exhaustive enquiry ( covering all sessions including
> present session) executed in these aspects and take punitive action
> against the guilty.
> Attachment: Scanned Copy of RTI reply no.
> F.No.-11-175(RTI/2013-NRO)AICTE/171 dated 08-05-2013
> Date : 30-01-14
> Copy By e-mail ( with attachment ) to take appropriate action at their end
> to :
> 1- Sri Pranav Mukharjee,The President of India,New Delhi <
> 2- Dr. Manmohan Singh,The Prime Minister of India,New Delhi
> "Hon'ble Prime Miister of India Dr. Man Mohan Singh"
> <>,
> 3- Sri B. L. Joshi,Governor-Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
> Government,Lucknow-226001,"hgovup" <>, "hgovup"
> <>,
> 4-Sri Akhilesh YadavThe Chief Minister,Uttar Pradesh
> Government,Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh,India-226001,"cmup" <>,
> "cmup" <>,
> Sincerely Yours
> ( Urvashi Sharma )
> Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
> F-2286,Rajajipuram,Lucknow-226017,Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

Sunday, February 23, 2014

सीआईसी में पंजीकृत शिकायतों में एक चौथाई लंबित

सीआईसी में पंजीकृत शिकायतों में एक चौथाई लंबित

सीआईसी में पंजीकृत शिकायतों में एक चौथाई लंबित

Tag: केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग, सीआईसी, पंजीकृत शिकायतें, लंबित शिकायतें

Last Updated: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 13:49
नई दिल्ली : केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग (सीआईसी) में पिछले सात वर्ष में
पंजीकृत एक चौथाई से अधिक शिकायतें एवं अपील (31,591) लंबित हैं और इनका
निपटारा नहीं किया जा सका है।

सूचना के अधिकार (आरटीआई) के तहत सीआईसी से प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार,
2006.07 से 2012.13 के बीच सात वर्ष में आयोग में 1,47,924 अपील एवं
शिकायतें पंजीकृत की गई। इस अवधि में इनमें 1,16,333 अपीलों एवं शिकायतों
का निपटारा किया गया। इस तरह से सात वर्ष में 31,591 शिकायतें और अपील
आयोग के समक्ष लंबित हैं।

आयोग ने कहा कि दूरभाष के माध्यम से किए गए वादों की संख्या करीब एक लाख
है। इनमें से कई संचिकाएं आयोग के रिकार्ड रिटेंशन शिड्यूल के अनुसार
नष्ट कर दी गयी हैं। सीआईसी मामलों की सुनवाई के बाद दंड अधिरोपण की
कार्यवाहियों का वषर्वार ब्यौरा नहीं रखती है। आरटीआई से यह भी खुलासा
हुआ है कि आयोग जन सूचना अधिकारियों के विरूद्ध कार्रवाइयों का विवरण
नहीं रखता है।

आयोग ने हालांकि बताया कि जनवरी 2014 तक आयोग में 987 मामलों में अर्थ
दंड आरोपित किया गया जबकि सात मामलों में आरोपित दंड माफ किये गए। आयोग
ने कहा कि वह वादियों को क्षतिपूर्ण दिलाये जाने की जाने की संख्या के
बारे में वषर्वार ब्यौरा नहीं संकलित करती है। लखनऊ स्थित आरटीआई
कार्यकर्ता संजय शर्मा ने केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग से लंबित शिकायतों एवं
अपीलों समेत अन्य जानकारी मांगी थी।

आयोग ने बताया कि 2007 से अब तक करीब सात वर्ष के दौरान आयोग को 4,42,393
पत्र एवं प्रपत्र प्राप्त हुए। 2012.13 में आयोग के समक्ष पंजीकृत अपील
एवं शिकायतों की संख्या 28,801 थी और इनमें से 24,550 मामलों का निपटारा
किया गया। 2011-12 में आयोग के समक्ष पंजीकृत अपील एवं शिकायतों की
संख्या 33,922 थी और इनमें से 23,112 मामलों का निपटारा किया गया।

2010-11 में आयोग के समक्ष पंजीकृत अपील एवं शिकायतों की संख्या 28,875
थी और इनमें से 24,071 मामलों का निपटारा किया गया। 2009-10 में आयोग के
समक्ष पंजीकृत अपील एवं शिकायतों की संख्या 22,800 थी और इनमें से 19,482
मामलों का निपटारा किया गया।

2008-09 में आयोग के समक्ष पंजीकृत अपील एवं शिकायतों की संख्या 15,426
थी और इनमें से 13,322 मामलों का निपटारा किया गया। 2007-08 में आयोग के
समक्ष पंजीकृत अपील एवं शिकायतों की संख्या 11,261 थी और इनमें से 7,722
मामलों का निपटारा किया गया। 2006-07 में आयोग के समक्ष पंजीकृत अपील एवं
शिकायतों की संख्या 6,839 थी और इनमें से 4,074 मामलों का निपटारा किया
गया। (एजेंसी)

First Published: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 13:49

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

Saturday, February 22, 2014

देश को सूचना का अधिकार दिलाने वाले केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग की खुली पोल!

देश को सूचना का अधिकार दिलाने वाले केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग की खुली पोल!

लखनऊ. वर्ष 2005 में लागू हुआ आरटीआई कानून नौवें वर्ष में प्रवेश कर
चुका है। आरटीआई कानून के देश में लागू होने से अब तक केंद्रीय सूचना
आयोग में दंड लगाने के मामले 0. 66% से भी कम हैं। लखनऊ निवासी आरटीआई
कार्यकर्ता और इंजीनियर संजय शर्मा के द्वारा केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में
दायर की गई एक आरटीआई याचिका के जवाब में चौंकाने वाली बातें सामने आई
हैं। इन नौ सालों में केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग ने महज 987 मामलों में ही दंड
लगाया है, जो वर्ष 2012-13 तक केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में प्राप्त कुल
147924 मामलों के सापेक्ष 0.66% से भी कम हैं।

संजय ने जनवरी में केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के जन सूचना अधिकारी से बारह
बिंदुओं पर सूचना मांगी थी। मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक 3 फरवरी 2014 को
केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के पास कुल 442393 मामलों के पत्र प्राप्त हो चुके

केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के जन सूचना अधिकारी एवं संयुक्त सचिव तरुण कुमार ने
संजय को पत्र के माध्यम से बताया कि आयोग में शिकायतों और अपीलों का
अलग-अलग विवरण उपलब्ध नहीं है। उन्होंने वर्ष 2012-13 तक सूचना आयोग में
शिकायतों और अपीलों के कुल 147924 मामले प्राप्त होने की सूचना दी।

तरुण कुमार के इस पत्र के अनुसार केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में दूरभाष के
माध्यम से सुनवाई किए गए मामलों की कोई भी सूचना संकलित नहीं है। पत्र
में बताया गया है कि वीडिओ कॉन्फ़्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से सुने गए मामलों की
संख्या के लिए मामले को एनआईसी को अंतरित करना पड़ा है।

आगे की स्लाइड में क्लिक जानें और क्या मिलीं जानकारियां...

संजय के इसी पत्र पर केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के संयुक्त सचिव एवं अपर
निबन्धक पंकज के. पी श्रेयष्कर द्वारा दी गई सूचना के अनुसार केंद्रीय
सूचना आयोग में इन नौ सालों में महज 987 मामलों में ही दंड लगाया गया है।
श्रेयष्कर ने संजय को बताया कि आयोग में न तो दंड के मामलों की वर्षवार
संख्या संकलित है और न ही अधिकारियों के विरुद्ध की गईं संस्तुतियां।
श्रेयष्कर ने संजय को यह भी बताया है कि आयोग में सिविल प्रक्रिया संहिता
के तहत अधिकारियों को समन करने और वादियों को क्षति-पूर्ति दिलाने के
मामलों की संख्या की सूचना भी संकलित नहीं है।

पंकज के.पी. श्रेयष्कर के जवाब से यह चौंकाने वाला खुलासा भी हुआ है कि
कोई नियम न होने पर भी आयोग सात मामलों में दंड माफी दे चुका है।

कोई नियम न होने पर भी आयोग द्वारा सात मामलों में दंड माफी किए जाने के
बिंदु पर स्पष्ट सूचना की मांग के साथ अपील दायर की गई है।

आगे की स्लाइड में क्लिक कर पढ़ें मामले पर क्या कह रहे हैं आरटीआई
एक्टिविस्ट संजय...
संजय ने कहा कि पूरे देश को सूचना दिलाने की जिम्मेदारी उठाने वाले
केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग द्वारा अपने काम-काज से संबंधित सूचनाएं देने के
स्थान पर इस प्रकार के टालमटोल वाले रवैये को अपनाना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है।
संजय ने इस मामले में मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त को ज्ञापन देकर केंद्रीय सूचना
आयोग के कामकाज और आंकड़ों को चुस्त-दुरुस्त एवं पारदर्शी बनाने की अपील
करने का मन बनाया है।

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

Friday, February 21, 2014

CIC imposed fine in less than 0.66% cases

Neha Shukla,TNN | Feb 21, 2014, 03.23 PM IST

LUCKNOW: The central information commission (CIC), New Delhi, imposed
penalties in less than 0.66 % cases.

Against 147924 cases received till 2012-13, penalties were imposed in
only 987 cases.

In response to an RTI query by Sanjay Sharma, CIC said that penalty
orders were revoked in 7 cases despite no specific rules to revoke RTI

CIC received 442393 letters from 2007 to till February 2, 2014. Out of
which 147924 cases got registered and 116333 (78%) were disposed till

Maximum 86% cases were disposed in 2008-09 and minimum 59% in 2006-07.
Average disposal rate of CIC is 78%.

Raj Kumar Trivedi,the Incompetent/the Corrupt Under Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Government’s Social Welfare Section-1 gives a beating to provisions of RTI act 2005 : Request to immediately remove him from the post lest he should do irreparable harm to the system and a formal inquiry to punish him

urvashi sharma
<> Attachment Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 6:14 PM
To: csup <>, secyappoint <>,
"psecup.socwel" <>,,,
Cc:,, hgovup
<>, hgovup <>, cmup <>, cmup

By E-mail

1- Sri Javed Usmani
Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"csup" <>,

Department of Appointment and Personnel
Government of Uttar Pradesh,Lucknow-226001

3- Sri Sunil Kumar
Principal Secretary-Social Welfare Department
Government of Uttar Pradesh,Lucknow-226001

4- Secretary-Social Welfare Department
Government of Uttar Pradesh,Lucknow-226001,

5- Special Secretary-Social Welfare Department
Government of Uttar Pradesh,Lucknow-226001,

6- Joint Secretary-Social Welfare Department
Government of Uttar Pradesh,Lucknow-226001

Subject : Raj Kumar Trivedi,the Incompetent/the Corrupt Under
Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Government's Social Welfare Section-1 gives
a beating to provisions of RTI act 2005 : Request to immediately
remove him from the post lest he should do irreparable harm to the
system and a formal inquiry to punish him

This refers to my RTI plea dated 03-02-2014 and subsequent reply by
Raj Kumar Trivedi - Under Secretary / Public Information Officer of
Uttar Pradesh Government's Social Welfare Section-1 vide letter no. 26
dated 17-02-14.

Through my RTI plea dated 03-02-2014, I had asked for certified copies
of records related to irregularities involving issues like illegal
appointment, illegal grant of benefits, appointments of incapable
staff by flouting norms, favoritism to Pawan Kumar Mishra & Shraddha
Saxena by the public servants deployed in section-1 of social welfare
department of Uttar Pradesh.

Raj Kumar Trivedi - Under Secretary / Public Information Officer of
Uttar Pradesh Government's Social Welfare Section-1, vide letter no.
26 dated 17-02-14 has informed me that the information asked by me is
covered under section-11 of RTI act 2005, hence cannot be given to me.

Sir, RTI act is running in its ninth year and its very-very painful
that even after eight years, a public servant of the stature of Under
Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Government has interpreted section 11 in an
upside-down manner for reasons best known to him only.

Sir,Section 11 of RTI act is invoked only when a Public Information
Officer intends to disclose any information or record, or part thereof
on a request made under this act. Section 11 of RTI act is not an
exemption clause for disclosure of information at all.Hence, it is for
sure that either Raj Kumar Trivedi is a fool or a corrupt employees
and in both cases, he should not be allowed to continue on such a
responsible post as of Under Secretary to Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Please immediate remove Raj Kumar Trivedi from the position of Under
Secretary to Government of Uttar Pradesh , get the matter inquired on
priority basis and punish him according to prevailing service rules
as well.

Copy of my RTI & reply from Raj Kumar Trivedi scanned in one go is attached.

Copy by e-mail to :-
1- Sri Pranav Mukharjee,The President of India,New Delhi

2- Dr. Manmohan Singh,The Prime Minister of India,New Delhi "Hon'ble
Prime Miister of India Dr. Man Mohan Singh" <>,

3- Sri B. L. Joshi
Governor-Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"hgovup" <>, "hgovup" <>,

4- -- Sri Akhilesh Yadav
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"cmup" <>, "cmup" <>,

5-Sri V. Narayanasamy,
Hon'ble Minister,Department of Personnel & Training,
Government of India New Delhi

6-Sri P.K.Misra
Secretary Department of Personnel & Training,
Government of India,New Delhi

Date : 20-02-14
Sincerely Yours

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary-YAISHWARYAJ Seva Sansthan
Mobile : 9369613513
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

CIC imposed fine in less than 0.66% cases

Neha Shukla,TNN | Feb 21, 2014, 03.23 PM IST

LUCKNOW: The central information commission (CIC), New Delhi, imposed
penalties in less than 0.66 % cases.

Against 147924 cases received till 2012-13, penalties were imposed in
only 987 cases.

In response to an RTI query by Sanjay Sharma, CIC said that penalty
orders were revoked in 7 cases despite no specific rules to revoke RTI

CIC received 442393 letters from 2007 to till February 2, 2014. Out of
which 147924 cases got registered and 116333 (78%) were disposed till

Maximum 86% cases were disposed in 2008-09 and minimum 59% in 2006-07.
Average disposal rate of CIC is 78%.

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Public Authorities not recovering penalties imposed U/S 20 of RTI act 2005 and also not displaying information on websites as mandated by U.P. Government order No. MU.SA.-9/43-2-2013 issued by Administrative Reforms Section-2 dated 30-05-13 : Request to intervene and ensure letter & spirit compliance of said G.O. and regular state level committee meetings

urvashi sharma

Attachment Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 11:36 AM
To: hgovup <>, hgovup <>, cmup <>, cmup <>, csup <>

By E-mail
1-      Mr. B. L. Joshi
Governor-Uttar Pradesh
 Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"hgovup" <>, "hgovup" <>,
2-      Mr. Akhilesh Yadav
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"cmup" <>, "cmup" <>,
3-      Mr. Javed Usmani
Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"csup" <>,

Sub. : Public Authorities not recovering penalties imposed U/S 20 of
RTI act 2005  and also not displaying information on websites as
mandated by  U.P. Government order No. MU.SA.-9/43-2-2013 issued by
Administrative Reforms Section-2 dated 30-05-13 : Request to intervene
and  ensure letter & spirit compliance of said G.O. and regular state
level committee meetings

Apropos to said G.O., I wish this to bring to your kind notice that
Public authorities of state are not complying  directives of said G.O.
My point is
1-      Penalties imposed on public authorities is not being recovered at
all , No nodal officers has been appointed to ensure timely recovery
of RTI penalties and that's why no monthly Performa, as mandated by
this G.O. is being uploaded on websites.
2-      17 point information under 4(1)(b) of RTI is not updated on almost
all of the websites of public authorities.
3-      No public Authority including Administrative reforms department has
uploaded any Performa containing  information of received and disposed
cases   and appeals.
Not only this, In 23 months' ime-span of present Government only one
meeting of State Level committee has been called so far.  As per
norms, there should have been 7 meetings of State Level committee so
far.  This shows present Government's apathy towards effective
implementation of RTI act 2005.

Please intervene and ensure not only compliance U.P. Government order
No. MU.SA.-9/43-2-2013 dated 30-05-13 but regular State Level
committee meetings every three month also.

U.P. Government order No. MU.SA.-9/43-2-2013 issued by Administrative
Reforms Section-2 dated 30-05-13 is attached.


Sincerely yours,

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

DGP UP directs DIG of Complaint cell UP to investigate the matter of Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow)

urvashi sharma Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:32 PM

<> Attachment Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 9:49 AM
To: "Complaint cell UP, DIG" <>

The complaint email is forwarded

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: urvashi sharma <>
To: dgp <>, dgpolice <>, uppcc
<>, uppcc-up <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 23:32:13 +0530
Subject: Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra
Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of
English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the
land and punish them
By E-mail

DGP of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Police Department
Lucknow "dgp" <>, "dgpolice"
<>, "uppcc" <>, "uppcc-up"

Sub. : Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra
Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of
English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the
land and punish them


Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow is a
polytechnic which has been functional since year 1965 under
executive control of Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. The
services of employees of this polytechnic are governed by Social
Welfare Department of U.P. Not only this, Social Welfare department of
Uttar Pradesh has its own service rules also. Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh has no legal right to poke his
nose in the executive affairs of the said polytechnic.

In recent past, Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer
of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) illegally met Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) , illegally handed over
a complaint related to an executive matter of said polytechnic and
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) performed an inquiry illegally with a conspire mind
, completed the inquiry in favor of Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias
Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh
Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) and illegally sent it to
Social Welfare Government without any knowledge of principal of said
polytechnic. Principal of said institute, vide letter no. C1075 dated
15-02-14 has informed me that inquiry report of Surendra Prasad (EX-
Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) was
not sent to polytechnic and also that there is no department rule of
Social Welfare department of U. P. or any other rule as per which
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) was authorized to conduct inquiry on complaint of
Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in
Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) .

The aforesaid Criminal Conspiracy is an act of Moral turpitude also
by involvement of both public servants. This is noteworthy here that
Surendra Prasad is an accused in Rs. 1416 Lakh purchase & Maintenance
Scam and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla is the
mastermind of Mess-Scam involving lakhs of rupees which were used by
the said lady to appease select students and staff of the said
polytechnic for reasons best known to this lady only and are subject
to enquiry. This lady is a hardcore conspirator and has proved
unusual closeness to IAS Sadakant Shukla( Presently Principal
Secretary of Housing ) & a similar case of involvement of both in an
act of Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy.

This should also be investigated as to what prompts male officers go
blindfold and act illegally to act as per whims & fancies of this lady
without going into the facts and law involved in the case.

The illegal act committed by Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena
alias Shraddha Shukla is punishable under section 166 of IPC also.
So get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish
Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla .

Scanned copy of letter of principal is attached.
Copy by e-mail for necessary action at their end to :-
1- Mr. Pranav Mukharjee,The President of India,New Delhi


Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish them

By E-mail

Mr. O. P. Verma- Director

Directorate of Technical Education, U.P.
Vikas Nagar, Kanpur - 208024
Ph. No. : (0512) - 2582130 (O)
(0512) - 2580965 (Fax)
E-mail : directordteup[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Sub. : Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra
Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of
English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the
land and punish them


Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow is a
polytechnic which has been functional since year 1965 under
executive control of Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. The
services of employees of this polytechnic are governed by Social
Welfare Department of U.P. Not only this, Social Welfare department of
Uttar Pradesh has its own service rules also. Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh has no legal right to poke his
nose in the executive affairs of the said polytechnic.

In recent past, Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer
of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) illegally met Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) , illegally handed over
a complaint related to an executive matter of said polytechnic and
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) performed an inquiry illegally with a conspire mind
, completed the inquiry in favor of Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias
Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh
Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) and illegally sent it to
Social Welfare Government without any knowledge of principal of said
polytechnic. Principal of said institute, vide letter no. C1075 dated
15-02-14 has informed me that inquiry report of Surendra Prasad (EX-
Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) was
not sent to polytechnic and also that there is no department rule of
Social Welfare department of U. P. or any other rule as per which
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) was authorized to conduct inquiry on complaint of
Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in
Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) .

The aforesaid Criminal Conspiracy is an act of Moral turpitude also
by involvement of both public servants. This is noteworthy here that
Surendra Prasad is an accused in Rs. 1416 Lakh purchase & Maintenance
Scam and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla is the
mastermind of Mess-Scam involving lakhs of rupees which were used by
the said lady to appease select students and staff of the said
polytechnic for reasons best known to this lady only and are subject
to enquiry. This lady is a hardcore conspirator and has proved
unusual closeness to IAS Sadakant Shukla( Presently Principal
Secretary of Housing ) & a similar case of involvement of both in an
act of Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy.

This should also be investigated as to what prompts male officers go
blindfold and act illegally to act as per whims & fancies of this lady
without going into the facts and law involved in the case.

The illegal act committed by Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena
alias Shraddha Shukla is punishable under section 166 of IPC also.
So get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish
Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla .

Scanned copy of letter of principal is attached.
Copy by e-mail for necessary action at their end to :-
1- Mr. Akhilesh Yadav
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh & minister of Technical Education
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"cmup" <>, "cmup" <>,

Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish them

By E-mail

DIG/SSP Lucknow ssplkw <>, ssplkw
<>, ssplkw-up <>, ssplkw07
<>, digrlkw <>

Sub. : Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra
Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of
English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the
land and punish them


Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow is a
polytechnic which has been functional since year 1965 under
executive control of Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. The
services of employees of this polytechnic are governed by Social
Welfare Department of U.P. Not only this, Social Welfare department of
Uttar Pradesh has its own service rules also. Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh has no legal right to poke his
nose in the executive affairs of the said polytechnic.

In recent past, Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer
of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) illegally met Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) , illegally handed over
a complaint related to an executive matter of said polytechnic and
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) performed an inquiry illegally with a conspire mind
, completed the inquiry in favor of Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias
Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh
Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) and illegally sent it to
Social Welfare Government without any knowledge of principal of said
polytechnic. Principal of said institute, vide letter no. C1075 dated
15-02-14 has informed me that inquiry report of Surendra Prasad (EX-
Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) was
not sent to polytechnic and also that there is no department rule of
Social Welfare department of U. P. or any other rule as per which
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) was authorized to conduct inquiry on complaint of
Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in
Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) .

The aforesaid Criminal Conspiracy is an act of Moral turpitude also
by involvement of both public servants. This is noteworthy here that
Surendra Prasad is an accused in Rs. 1416 Lakh purchase & Maintenance
Scam and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla is the
mastermind of Mess-Scam involving lakhs of rupees which were used by
the said lady to appease select students and staff of the said
polytechnic for reasons best known to this lady only and are subject
to enquiry. This lady is a hardcore conspirator and has proved
unusual closeness to IAS Sadakant Shukla( Presently Principal
Secretary of Housing ) & a similar case of involvement of both in an
act of Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy.

This should also be investigated as to what prompts male officers go
blindfold and act illegally to act as per whims & fancies of this lady
without going into the facts and law involved in the case.

The illegal act committed by Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena
alias Shraddha Shukla is punishable under section 166 of IPC also.
So get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish
Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla .

Scanned copy of letter of principal is attached.
Copy by e-mail for necessary action at their end to :-
1- Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta
Principal Secretary-Home & Confidential Deptt.
Room No. 123,Lal Bahadur Shastri Bhavan,


Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish them

By E-mail

Mr. Javed Usmani
Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"csup" <>,

Sub. : Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra
Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of
English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the
land and punish them


Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow is a
polytechnic which has been functional since year 1965 under
executive control of Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. The
services of employees of this polytechnic are governed by Social
Welfare Department of U.P. Not only this, Social Welfare department of
Uttar Pradesh has its own service rules also. Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh has no legal right to poke his
nose in the executive affairs of the said polytechnic.

In recent past, Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer
of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) illegally met Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) , illegally handed over
a complaint related to an executive matter of said polytechnic and
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) performed an inquiry illegally with a conspire mind
, completed the inquiry in favor of Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias
Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh
Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) and illegally sent it to
Social Welfare Government without any knowledge of principal of said
polytechnic. Principal of said institute, vide letter no. C1075 dated
15-02-14 has informed me that inquiry report of Surendra Prasad (EX-
Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) was
not sent to polytechnic and also that there is no department rule of
Social Welfare department of U. P. or any other rule as per which
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) was authorized to conduct inquiry on complaint of
Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in
Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) .

The aforesaid Criminal Conspiracy is an act of Moral turpitude also
by involvement of both public servants. This is noteworthy here that
Surendra Prasad is an accused in Rs. 1416 Lakh purchase & Maintenance
Scam and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla is the
mastermind of Mess-Scam involving lakhs of rupees which were used by
the said lady to appease select students and staff of the said
polytechnic for reasons best known to this lady only and are subject
to enquiry. This lady is a hardcore conspirator and has proved
unusual closeness to IAS Sadakant Shukla( Presently Principal
Secretary of Housing ) & a similar case of involvement of both in an
act of Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy.

This should also be investigated as to what prompts male officers go
blindfold and act illegally to act as per whims & fancies of this lady
without going into the facts and law involved in the case.

The illegal act committed by Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena
alias Shraddha Shukla is punishable under section 166 of IPC also.
So get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish
Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla .

Scanned copy of letter of principal is attached.
Copy by e-mail for necessary action at their end to :-
1- Mr. B. L. Joshi
Governor-Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"hgovup" <>, "hgovup" <>,

Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish them

By E-mail

Mr. Akhilesh Yadav
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"cmup" <>, "cmup" <>,

Sub. : Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra
Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of
English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the
land and punish them


Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow is a
polytechnic which has been functional since year 1965 under
executive control of Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. The
services of employees of this polytechnic are governed by Social
Welfare Department of U.P. Not only this, Social Welfare department of
Uttar Pradesh has its own service rules also. Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh has no legal right to poke his
nose in the executive affairs of the said polytechnic.

In recent past, Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer
of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) illegally met Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) , illegally handed over
a complaint related to an executive matter of said polytechnic and
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) performed an inquiry illegally with a conspire mind
, completed the inquiry in favor of Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias
Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh
Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) and illegally sent it to
Social Welfare Government without any knowledge of principal of said
polytechnic. Principal of said institute, vide letter no. C1075 dated
15-02-14 has informed me that inquiry report of Surendra Prasad (EX-
Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) was
not sent to polytechnic and also that there is no department rule of
Social Welfare department of U. P. or any other rule as per which
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) was authorized to conduct inquiry on complaint of
Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in
Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) .

The aforesaid Criminal Conspiracy is an act of Moral turpitude also
by involvement of both public servants. This is noteworthy here that
Surendra Prasad is an accused in Rs. 1416 Lakh purchase & Maintenance
Scam and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla is the
mastermind of Mess-Scam involving lakhs of rupees which were used by
the said lady to appease select students and staff of the said
polytechnic for reasons best known to this lady only and are subject
to enquiry. This lady is a hardcore conspirator and has proved
unusual closeness to IAS Sadakant Shukla( Presently Principal
Secretary of Housing ) & a similar case of involvement of both in an
act of Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy.

This should also be investigated as to what prompts male officers go
blindfold and act illegally to act as per whims & fancies of this lady
without going into the facts and law involved in the case.

The illegal act committed by Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena
alias Shraddha Shukla is punishable under section 166 of IPC also.
So get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish
Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla .

Scanned copy of letter of principal is attached.
Copy by e-mail for necessary action at their end to :-
1- Dr. Manmohan Singh,The Prime Minister of India,New Delhi "Hon'ble
Prime Miister of India Dr. Man Mohan Singh" <>,


Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish them

By E-mail

DGP of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Police Department
Lucknow "dgp" <>, "dgpolice"
<>, "uppcc" <>, "uppcc-up"

Sub. : Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy of both of Surendra
Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh
Lucknow) and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of
English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) : Demand to get the matter investigated as per law of the
land and punish them


Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow is a
polytechnic which has been functional since year 1965 under
executive control of Social Welfare Department of Uttar Pradesh. The
services of employees of this polytechnic are governed by Social
Welfare Department of U.P. Not only this, Social Welfare department of
Uttar Pradesh has its own service rules also. Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh has no legal right to poke his
nose in the executive affairs of the said polytechnic.

In recent past, Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer
of English in Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road
Lucknow) illegally met Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of
Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) , illegally handed over
a complaint related to an executive matter of said polytechnic and
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) performed an inquiry illegally with a conspire mind
, completed the inquiry in favor of Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias
Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in Government Govind Ballabh
Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) and illegally sent it to
Social Welfare Government without any knowledge of principal of said
polytechnic. Principal of said institute, vide letter no. C1075 dated
15-02-14 has informed me that inquiry report of Surendra Prasad (EX-
Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar Pradesh Lucknow) was
not sent to polytechnic and also that there is no department rule of
Social Welfare department of U. P. or any other rule as per which
Surendra Prasad (EX- Secretary Board of Technical Education of Uttar
Pradesh Lucknow) was authorized to conduct inquiry on complaint of
Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla ( Lecturer of English in
Government Govind Ballabh Pant Polytechnic Mohan Road Lucknow) .

The aforesaid Criminal Conspiracy is an act of Moral turpitude also
by involvement of both public servants. This is noteworthy here that
Surendra Prasad is an accused in Rs. 1416 Lakh purchase & Maintenance
Scam and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla is the
mastermind of Mess-Scam involving lakhs of rupees which were used by
the said lady to appease select students and staff of the said
polytechnic for reasons best known to this lady only and are subject
to enquiry. This lady is a hardcore conspirator and has proved
unusual closeness to IAS Sadakant Shukla( Presently Principal
Secretary of Housing ) & a similar case of involvement of both in an
act of Moral turpitude & Criminal Conspiracy.

This should also be investigated as to what prompts male officers go
blindfold and act illegally to act as per whims & fancies of this lady
without going into the facts and law involved in the case.

The illegal act committed by Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena
alias Shraddha Shukla is punishable under section 166 of IPC also.
So get the matter investigated as per law of the land and punish
Surendra Prasad and Smt. Shraddha Saxena alias Shraddha Shukla .

Scanned copy of letter of principal is attached.
Copy by e-mail for necessary action at their end to :-
1- Mr. Pranav Mukharjee,The President of India,New Delhi


Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

'आंकड़ों की सूचना देने में टालमटोल करता है केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग'

'आंकड़ों की सूचना देने में टालमटोल करता है केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग'

लखनऊ: वर्ष 2005 में लागू हुआ आरटीआई कानून नौवें वर्ष में प्रवेश कर चुका है l आरटीआई कानून के देश में लागू होने से अब  तक केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में दंड लगाने के मामले 0. 66% से भी कम हैं l  लखनऊ निवासी आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता और इंजीनियर संजय शर्मा के द्वारा केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में दायर की गयी एक आरटीआई  याचिका के जबाब में बताया गया है कि इन नौ सालो में केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग ने महज 987 मामलो में ही दंड लगाया है जो वर्ष 2012-13 तक केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में प्राप्त कुल 147924 मामलों के सापेक्ष 0. 66% से भी कम हैं l
संजय ने बीते जनवरी में केंद्रीय  सूचना आयोग के जन  सूचना अधिकारी से बारह बिंदुओं पर सूचना थी l केंद्रीय  सूचना आयोग के जन सूचना अधिकारी एवं संयुक्त सचिव तरुण कुमार के पत्र के अनुसार केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में 03-02 -14  तक 442393 पत्र प्राप्त चुके हैंl  तरुण कुमार ने संजय को बताया है कि आयोग में शिकायतों और अपीलों का अलग-अलग विवरण उपलब्ध नहीं है और वर्ष 2012-13 तक केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में शिकायतों और अपीलों के कुल 147924 मामले प्राप्त होने की सूचना दी हैl तरुण कुमार के इस पत्र के अनुसार केंद्रीय  सूचना आयोग में दूरभाष के माध्यम से सुनवाई  किये गए वादों की कोई भी सूचना  संकलित नहीं है तो वही वीडिओ कॉन्फ़्रेंसिंग के माध्यम से सुने गए वादों की संख्या के लिए मामले को एन.आई.सी को अंतरित करना पड़ा हैl
संजय के इसी पत्र पर केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के संयुक्त सचिव एवं अपर निबन्धक पंकज के. पी श्रेयष्कर द्वारा दी गयी सूचना के अनुसार केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में इन नौ सालो में  महज 987 मामलो में ही दंड लगाया गया हैl पंकज के. पी श्रेयष्कर ने संजय को बताया है कि आयोग में न तो दंड के मामलों की वर्षवार संख्या संकलित है और न हीं अधिकारियों के विरूद्ध द्वारा की गयी संस्तुतियl पंकज के. पी श्रेयष्कर ने संजय को यह भी बताया है कि आयोग में सिविल प्रक्रिया संहिता के तहत अधिकारियों को सम्मन करने और वादियों को क्षति-पूर्ति दिलाने के मामलों की संख्या की सूचना भी संकलित नहीं  है l
पंकज के.पी श्रेयष्कर के जवाब से यह चौंकाने वाला खुलासा भी हुआ है कि कोई नियम न होने पर भी आयोग सात मामलों में दंड माफी दे चुका हैl संजय ने पंकज के.पी श्रेयष्कर के द्वारा कोई नियम न होने पर भी आयोग सात मामलों में दंड माफी किये जाने के बिंदु पर स्पष्ट सूचना की मांग के साथ अपील दायर कर दी है  l
संजय ने कहा कि पूरे देश को सूचना दिलाने की जिम्मेवारी उठाने वाले केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग द्वारा अपने काम-काज से सम्बंधित सूचनाएं देने के स्थान पर इस प्रकार के टालमटोल वाले रवैये को अपनाना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण हैl संजय ने इस मामले में  मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त को ज्ञापन देकर केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के कामकाज और आंकड़ों को चुस्त-दुरुस्त एवं पारदर्शी बनाने की अपील करने का मन बनाया है l

आंकड़ों की सूचना देने में टालमटोल करता है केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग

आंकड़ों की सूचना देने में टालमटोल करता है केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग

लखनऊ: वर्ष 2005 में लागू हुआ आरटीआई कानून नौवें वर्ष में प्रवेश कर
चुका है l आरटीआई कानून के देश में लागू होने से अब तक केंद्रीय सूचना
आयोग में दंड लगाने के मामले 0. 66% से भी कम हैं l लखनऊ निवासी आरटीआई
कार्यकर्ता और इंजीनियर संजय शर्मा के द्वारा केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में
दायर की गयी एक आरटीआई याचिका के जबाब में बताया गया है कि इन नौ सालो
में केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग ने महज 987 मामलो में ही दंड लगाया है जो वर्ष
2012-13 तक केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में प्राप्त कुल 147924 मामलों के
सापेक्ष 0. 66% से भी कम हैं l

संजय ने बीते जनवरी में केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के जन सूचना अधिकारी से
बारह बिंदुओं पर सूचना थी l केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के जन सूचना अधिकारी
एवं संयुक्त सचिव तरुण कुमार के पत्र के अनुसार केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में
03-02 -14 तक 442393 पत्र प्राप्त चुके हैंl तरुण कुमार ने संजय को
बताया है कि आयोग में शिकायतों और अपीलों का अलग-अलग विवरण उपलब्ध नहीं
है और वर्ष 2012-13 तक केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में शिकायतों और अपीलों के
कुल 147924 मामले प्राप्त होने की सूचना दी हैl तरुण कुमार के इस पत्र के
अनुसार केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग में दूरभाष के माध्यम से सुनवाई किये गए
वादों की कोई भी सूचना संकलित नहीं है तो वही वीडिओ कॉन्फ़्रेंसिंग के
माध्यम से सुने गए वादों की संख्या के लिए मामले को एन.आई.सी को अंतरित
करना पड़ा हैl

संजय के इसी पत्र पर केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग के संयुक्त सचिव एवं अपर
निबन्धक पंकज के. पी श्रेयष्कर द्वारा दी गयी सूचना के अनुसार केंद्रीय
सूचना आयोग में इन नौ सालो में महज 987 मामलो में ही दंड लगाया गया हैl
पंकज के. पी श्रेयष्कर ने संजय को बताया है कि आयोग में न तो दंड के
मामलों की वर्षवार संख्या संकलित है और न हीं अधिकारियों के विरूद्ध
द्वारा की गयी संस्तुतियl पंकज के. पी श्रेयष्कर ने संजय को यह भी बताया
है कि आयोग में सिविल प्रक्रिया संहिता के तहत अधिकारियों को सम्मन करने
और वादियों को क्षति-पूर्ति दिलाने के मामलों की संख्या की सूचना भी
संकलित नहीं है l

पंकज के.पी श्रेयष्कर के जवाब से यह चौंकाने वाला खुलासा भी हुआ है कि
कोई नियम न होने पर भी आयोग सात मामलों में दंड माफी दे चुका हैl संजय ने
पंकज के.पी श्रेयष्कर के द्वारा कोई नियम न होने पर भी आयोग सात मामलों
में दंड माफी किये जाने के बिंदु पर स्पष्ट सूचना की मांग के साथ अपील
दायर कर दी है l

संजय ने कहा कि पूरे देश को सूचना दिलाने की जिम्मेवारी उठाने वाले
केंद्रीय सूचना आयोग द्वारा अपने काम-काज से सम्बंधित सूचनाएं देने के
स्थान पर इस प्रकार के टालमटोल वाले रवैये को अपनाना दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण हैl
संजय ने इस मामले में मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त को ज्ञापन देकर केंद्रीय सूचना
आयोग के कामकाज और आंकड़ों को चुस्त-दुरुस्त एवं पारदर्शी बनाने की अपील
करने का मन बनाया है l

खबर की श्रेणी लखनऊ

Tagged under : cic
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

Sunday, February 16, 2014

आईएएस अफसर द्वारा पैसे लेकर भी काम नहीं करने के मामले में राजनेता-आईएएस गठजोड़ की सीबीआई जांच की मांग :Besides Involvement in Corruption, Blatant Misuse of Power by Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh Yadav: Request for a CBI enquiry in this matter of constitutional breakdown in U.P.

आईएएस अफसर द्वारा पैसे लेकर भी काम नहीं करने के मामले में
राजनेता-आईएएस गठजोड़ की सीबीआई जांच की मांग

प्रिय मित्र,

हिंदी समाचार पत्र नवभारत टाइम्स के दिनांक 15 -02 -14 के लखनऊ संस्करण
में पेज 7 पर 'अफसर तो पैसे लेकर भी काम नहीं करते' शीर्षक के अंतर्गत
प्रकाशित समाचार के अनुसार आईएएस वीक में मुख्यमंत्री ने अफसरों के बीच
एक किस्सा भी सुनाया। कहा कि "मैंने एक अफसर को किसी काम के लिए फोन करके
कहा था। उस अफसर ने काम भी नहीं किया और पैसे भी ले लिए। बाद में जो काम
कराने के लिए गए थे उन्होंने फिर शिकायत की तब अफसरों को निलंबित तो नहीं
किया पर उसका ट्रांसफर कर दिया।"

मेरे अनुसार मुख्यमंत्री का यह कथन कथित भ्रष्टाचार में उनकी भी
संलिप्तता की स्वीकारोक्ति है l भ्रष्टाचार की घटना संज्ञान में होने के
बाबजूद अधिकारी के विरुद्ध कानूनी कार्यवाही करने के स्थान पर अपना
हिस्सा न मिलने पर मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा अधिकारी का ट्रांसफर मात्र करना
राजनेता-आईएएस गठजोड़ द्वारा किये जा रहे भ्रष्टाचार की पुष्टि करता है l
इस घटना में मुख्यमंत्री भी अधिकारी के साथ भ्रष्टाचार के -अभियुक्त हैं
l भ्रष्टाचार की घटना संज्ञान में होने के बाबजूद अधिकारी के विरुद्ध
कानूनी कार्यवाही करने के स्थान पर अपना हिस्सा न मिलने पर मुख्यमंत्री
द्वारा अधिकारी का ट्रांसफर मात्र करना मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा पद का
दुरुपयोग किये जाने का जीवंत उदहारण है l ज्ञातव्य है कि आईएएस की
ट्रान्सफर - पोस्टिंग मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा ही की जाती है l दुर्गा शक्ति
नागपाल मामले में अतिरिक्त तत्परता से कार्यवाही करने बाले सीएम का
भ्रष्ट अधिकारी को संरक्षण देने का यह प्रकरण सीएम की सत्यनिष्ठा पर
प्रश्नचिन्ह है l

मुख्यमंत्री के वक्तव्य से स्पष्ट है कि वे भारत के संविधान के प्रति
ली गयी शपथ का निर्वहन करने में भी समर्थ नहीं हैं l क्योंकि मामले में
मुख्यमंत्री सीधे सीधे इन्वॉल्व हैं अतः मैंने कल ही सूबे के गवर्नर और
देश के राष्ट्रपति और प्रधानमंत्री से मामले की सीबीआई जांच का अनुरोध
किया है l

सूबे के गवर्नर और देश के राष्ट्रपति और प्रधानमंत्री से मामले की
सीबीआई जांच का अनुरोध करने सम्बन्धी पत्र निम्नानुसार है l

urvashi sharma
<> Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 10:46 PM
To: hgovup <>, hgovup <>
Cc:, "Hon'ble Prime Miister of India Dr.
Man Mohan Singh" <>

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By E-mail

Sri B. L. Joshi
Governor-Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"hgovup" <>, "hgovup" <>,

Sub. : Besides Involvement in Corruption, Blatant Misuse of Power by
Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh Yadav: Request for a CBI enquiry in this
matter of constitutional breakdown in U.P.

This refers to news report titled " AFSAR TO PAISE LEKAR BHEE KAAM
NAHEEN KARTE' published on page 7 in today's Navbharat Times Lucknow

News can be accessed at

As per the news report,In ongoing IAS Week, Chief Minister Sri
Akhilesh Yadav is said to have narrated a true incident in which an
IAS officer is said to have taken money to do some work even though CM
has himself made a phone call to that IAS to get the work done. CM is
said to have stated that the said IAS took the money but failed to do
the required job for the person from whom the IAS took the bribe. CM
is also said to have only transferred the said IAS.

Sir, a perusal of this news makes it clear that CM Sri Akhilesh Yadav
was himself involved in this act of corruption by the said IAS officer
because even after committing the crime of corruption that was in the
knowledge of the CM of the state, IAS was left with a transfer only
and was not punished under AIS conduct rules and Indian Penal Code.
This way CM Sri Akhilesh Yadav is a co-accused with the IAS in this
case of corruption. Not only this, by leaving a corrupt IAS officer
this way, UP CM has misused the Power given to him by the people of
U.P. and has taken Law into his hands.

The matter is of grave concern because CM has himself admitted this
before media. Here comes a glimpse of corruption & misuse of power by
CM-IAS combine and needs a CBI enquiry to unearth the real quantum of
corruption looming in the power-corridors of Uttar Pradesh.

This is akin to constitutional breakdown in Uttar Pradesh.So, I am
requesting you to recommend a CBI enquiry in this matter of corruption
and blatant misuse of power involving IAS and C.M. of U.P..

news clip is attached.

Copy By e-mail to take appropriate action at their end to :
1- Sri Pranav Mukharjee,The President of India,New Delhi

2- Dr. Manmohan Singh,The Prime Minister of India,New Delhi "Hon'ble
Prime Miister of India Dr. Man Mohan Singh" <>,

Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

आईएएस अफसर द्वारा पैसे लेकर भी काम नहीं करने के मामले में राजनेता-आईएएस गठजोड़ की सीबीआई जांच की मांग : Besides Involvement in Corruption, Blatant Misuse of Power byUttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh Yadav: Request for a CBI enquiry in this matter of constitutional breakdown in U.P.

Find the representation and other details at given link

प्रिय मित्र,

हिंदी समाचार पत्र नवभारत टाइम्स के दिनांक 15 -02 -14 के लखनऊ संस्करण में पेज 7 पर 'अफसर तो पैसे लेकर भी काम नहीं करते' शीर्षक के अंतर्गत प्रकाशित समाचार के अनुसार आईएएस वीक में मुख्यमंत्री ने अफसरों के बीच एक किस्सा भी सुनाया। कहा कि "मैंने एक अफसर को किसी काम के लिए फोन करके कहा था। उस अफसर ने काम भी नहीं किया और पैसे भी ले लिए। बाद में जो काम कराने के लिए गए थे उन्होंने फिर
शिकायत की तब अफसरों को निलंबित तो नहीं किया पर उसका ट्रांसफर कर दिया।"

मेरे अनुसार मुख्यमंत्री का यह कथन कथित भ्रष्टाचार में उनकी भी संलिप्तता की स्वीकारोक्ति है l भ्रष्टाचार की घटना संज्ञान में होने के बाबजूद अधिकारी के विरुद्ध कानूनी कार्यवाही करने के स्थान पर अपना हिस्सा न मिलने पर मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा अधिकारी का ट्रांसफर मात्र करना राजनेता-आईएएस गठजोड़ द्वारा किये जा रहे भ्रष्टाचार की पुष्टि करता है l इस घटना में मुख्यमंत्री भी
अधिकारी के साथ भ्रष्टाचार के -अभियुक्त हैं l भ्रष्टाचार की घटना संज्ञान में होने के बाबजूद अधिकारी के विरुद्ध कानूनी कार्यवाही करने के स्थान पर अपना हिस्सा न मिलने पर मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा अधिकारी का ट्रांसफर मात्र करना मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा पद का दुरुपयोग किये जाने का जीवंत उदहारण है l ज्ञातव्य है कि आईएएस की ट्रान्सफर - पोस्टिंग मुख्यमंत्री द्वारा ही की जाती है l
दुर्गा शक्ति नागपाल मामले में अतिरिक्त तत्परता से कार्यवाही करने बाले सीएम का भ्रष्ट अधिकारी को संरक्षण देने का यह प्रकरण सीएम की सत्यनिष्ठा पर प्रश्नचिन्ह है l

मुख्यमंत्री के वक्तव्य से स्पष्ट है कि वे भारत के संविधान के प्रति ली गयी शपथ का निर्वहन करने में भी समर्थ नहीं हैं l क्योंकि मामले में मुख्यमंत्री सीधे सीधे इन्वॉल्व हैं अतः मैंने कल ही सूबे के गवर्नर और देश के राष्ट्रपति और प्रधानमंत्री से मामले की सीबीआई जांच का अनुरोध किया है l

सूबे के गवर्नर और देश के राष्ट्रपति और प्रधानमंत्री से मामले की सीबीआई जांच का अनुरोध करने सम्बन्धी पत्र निम्नानुसार है l

urvashi sharma
<> Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 10:46 PM
To: hgovup <>, hgovup <>
Cc:, "Hon'ble Prime Miister of India Dr. Man Mohan Singh" <>

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By E-mail

Sri B. L. Joshi
Governor-Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh Government,Lucknow-226001
"hgovup" <>, "hgovup" <>,

Sub. : Besides Involvement in Corruption, Blatant Misuse of Power by
Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh Yadav: Request for a CBI enquiry in this
matter of constitutional breakdown in U.P.

This refers to news report titled " AFSAR TO PAISE LEKAR BHEE KAAM
NAHEEN KARTE' published on page 7 in today's Navbharat Times Lucknow

News can be accessed at

As per the news report,In ongoing IAS Week, Chief Minister Sri
Akhilesh Yadav is said to have narrated a true incident in which an
IAS officer is said to have taken money to do some work even though CM
has himself made a phone call to that IAS to get the work done. CM is
said to have stated that the said IAS took the money but failed to do
the required job for the person from whom the IAS took the bribe. CM
is also said to have only transferred the said IAS.

Sir, a perusal of this news makes it clear that CM Sri Akhilesh Yadav
was himself involved in this act of corruption by the said IAS officer
because even after committing the crime of corruption that was in the
knowledge of the CM of the state, IAS was left with a transfer only
and was not punished under AIS conduct rules and Indian Penal Code.
This way CM Sri Akhilesh Yadav is a co-accused with the IAS in this
case of corruption. Not only this, by leaving a corrupt IAS officer
this way, UP CM has misused the Power given to him by the people of
U.P. and has taken Law into his hands.

The matter is of grave concern because CM has himself admitted this
before media. Here comes a glimpse of corruption & misuse of power by
CM-IAS combine and needs a CBI enquiry to unearth the real quantum of
corruption looming in the power-corridors of Uttar Pradesh.

This is akin to constitutional breakdown in Uttar Pradesh.So, I am
requesting you to recommend a CBI enquiry in this matter of corruption
and blatant misuse of power involving IAS and C.M. of U.P..

news clip is attached.

Copy By e-mail to take appropriate action at their end to :
1- Sri Pranav Mukharjee,The President of India,New Delhi

2- Dr. Manmohan Singh,The Prime Minister of India,New Delhi "Hon'ble
Prime Miister of India Dr. Man Mohan Singh" <>,

Yours Truly

Urvashi Sharma
Social Activist
Secretary- Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthaan
Mobile – 9369613513 e-mail

See how Babu Sadakant, U.P. Cadre 1983 batch IAS was kicked by Government of India for his alleged involvement in corruption by stealing and selling confidential information of home ministry

See how Babu Sadakant, U.P. Cadre 1983 batch IAS was kicked by Government of India for his alleged involvement in corruption by stealing and selling confidential information of home ministry

download documents from given link

See how Babu Sadakant, U.P. Cadre 1983 batch IAS was kicked by Government of India for his alleged involvement in corruption by stealing and selling confidential information of home ministry

See how Babu Sadakant, U.P. Cadre 1983 batch IAS was kicked by
Government of India for his alleged involvement in corruption by
stealing and selling confidential information of home ministry

click the link

- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

आरटीआई से सरकारी कर्मचारियों को प्रताड़ित करने सम्बन्धी बयान दे फंसे सूचना आयुक्त

लखनऊ, फरवरी 09, 2014 || वैसे तो सूचना आयुक्त का काम सूचना दिलाना है पर
उत्तर प्रदेश के नवनियुक्त सूचना आयुक्त अपने एक वक्तव्य के कारण खुद ही
आरटीआई के जाल में फँस गए हैं| प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनऊ के एक आरटीआई
कार्यकर्ता ने इन सूचना आयुक्त के विरुद्ध आरटीआई दायर कर सूचना आयुक्त
से उस रिकॉर्ड की मांग की है जिसके आधार पर आयुक्त ने यह वक्तव्य दिया था
कि कुछ मामलों में आरटीआई का प्रयोग सरकारी अधिकारियों को प्रताड़ित करने
के लिए किया जा रहा है |

बीते 4 फरवरी को एक अंग्रेजी दैनिक को दिए साक्षात्कार में नवनियुक्त
सूचना आयुक्त अरविन्द सिंह बिष्ट ने वक्तव्य दिया था कि कुछ मामलों में
आरटीआई का प्रयोग सरकारी अधिकारियों को प्रताड़ित करने के लिए किया जा रहा
है| बीते 7 फरवरी को प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनऊ निवासी आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता और
इंजीनियर संजय शर्मा ने उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य सूचना आयोग में एक अर्जी देकर
सूचना आयुक्त से उस रिकॉर्ड की मांग की है जिसके आधार पर उन्होंने यह
वक्तव्य दिया था |

संजय ने अपनी अर्जी में सूचना के अधिकार अधिनियम की धारा के तहत सूचना
आयुक्त को लोक प्राधिकारी होने के कारण सूचना के अधिकार के दायरे में
होने का हवाला देते हुए अरविन्द सिंह बिष्ट के पास उनके कथन के समर्थन
में उपलब्ध अभिलेखों की मांग की है|
सूचना मांगने की वजह पूछे जाने पर संजय ने बताया कि सूचना के अधिकार में
न दिए जाने बाली सूचना के प्रगटन से रोक के पर्याप्त प्रवंध हैं और इसमें
राज्य, सरकारी कर्मचारी और तृतीय पक्ष के हितों को सुरक्षित रखने की
पर्याप्त व्यवस्था भी है अतः बिना सूचना आयुक्त की नियमप्रतिकूल मिलीभगत
के सूचना मांगने वाले व्यक्ति द्वारा राज्य,सरकारी कर्मचारी या तृतीय
पक्ष के हितों को अन्यथा प्रभावित करना या सरकारी कर्मचारी का उत्पीड़न
करना सम्भव ही नहीं है|

संजय ने कहा कि वे इन मामलों के प्रपत्र प्राप्त कर प्रपत्रों के आधार पर
दोषी सूचना आयुक्तों के विरुद्ध कानूनी कार्यवाही भी करेंगे|


- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838