RTI activists in UP to play flute in front of a buffalo to register protest Ram Prakash 31 March, 2013 RTI activists in Uttar Pradesh, under the aegis of Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthan Lucknow and Uttar Pradesh Campaign to Protect RTI (UPCPRI) will demonstrate on Monday, 1 April 2013 from 11am to 3pm at DHARNA Sthal, opposite Vidhaan Sabha in Lucknow. Briefing about the programme, Urvashi Sharma, Secretary of Yaishwaryaj Seva Sansthan and Founder Coordinator of UPCPRI said RTI activists would hold symbolic demonstration by "Playing Snake-Charmer's flute before buffalo" and "Offering milk to Snakes". "The buffalo symbolizes the state government and UPSIC, the flute the RTI Act, the flute-player the RTI user, the snake the public servant and the milk the salary public servants draw. Our dharna is based on two Hindi Idioms "BHAINS KE AAGE BEEN BAJANA" and "SAANPON KO DOODH PILANA"," Sharma said. She added that RTI Act in Uttar Pradesh was useless and bore no results just like playing flute into ears of a buffalo. "This is due to lackluster attitude of the state government and UPSIC towards effective implementation of RTI Act." "We may offer milk to a snake but owing to its nature it shall not hesitate to bite us and inject its venom into our body; today's public servants are like poisonous snakes who though feeding on public money, are leaving no stone unturned to harass their masters that is the public," added Sharma. She appealed to RTI users of the state to assemble at DHARNA Sthal to strengthen the RTI movement in Uttar Pradesh. |
RTI ACT 2005 related posts on blog National RTI Forum for Research and Analysis
Sunday, March 31, 2013
RTI activists in UP to play flute in front of a buffalo to register protest
Monday, March 25, 2013
rti dharna in lucknow
rti dharna in lucknow
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Hindustan times HT Woman 2013 : SMS Vote appeal for the Youngest RTI activist of India : Aishwarya Parashar from Lucknow: type HTW12 and send it to 54242
Hindustan times HT Woman 2013 : SMS Vote appeal for the Youngest RTI activist of India : Aishwarya Parashar from Lucknow: type HTW<space>12 and send it to 54242 |
साँपों के आगे बीन बजाकर आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता करेंगे प्रदर्शन
साँपों के आगे बीन बजाकर आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता करेंगे प्रदर्शन
Home/लखनऊ/यूपी में कल बटेंगे छात्र-छात्राओं को लैपटॉप
Written by Editor Sunday, 24 March
लखनऊ: येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान लखनऊ के राजाजीपुरम स्थित कैम्प कार्यालय
में उ0प्र0 के सूचना के अधिकार कार्यकर्ताओं एवं प्रयोगकर्ताओं की आज
बैठक हुई। बैठक में उ0प्र0 राज्य में सूचना के अधिकार का सही क्रियान्वयन
न हो पाने के कारण सूचना मांगने वाले नागरिकों को होने वाली समस्याओं पर
गहनता से विचार विमर्श किया गया। बैठक में उपस्थित सभी प्रतिभागियांे ने
सूचना के अधिकार के प्रति सरकार, राज्य सूचना आयोग, अपीलीय अधिकारियों
एवं जनसूचना अधिकारियों के उदासीन रवैये पर गहरा क्षोभ प्रकट करते हुए
सर्वसम्मति से यह निर्णय लिया कि येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान की सचिव उर्वशी
शर्मा के नेतृत्व में 01.04.2013 को उ0प्र0 की विधान सभा के सामने स्थित
धरना स्थल पर ''भैंस के आगे बीन बजाकर'' एंव ''साँपों को दूध पिलाकर''
प्रदेश के आर0टी0आई0 कार्यकर्ता एवं प्रयोगकर्ता प्रतीकात्मक प्रदर्शन
इस अभियान हेतु एक पोस्टर भी जारी किया गया। अभियान की प्रभारी उर्वशी
शर्मा ने बताया कि अभियान से जुड़ने के लिए सरकार, राज्य सूचना आयोग,
अपीलीय अधिकारियों एवं जनसूचना अधिकारियों के रवैये से परेशान नागरिक
मो0नं0 9369613513 पर सम्पर्क कर सकते है। ईमेल से सम्पर्क हेतु
तजपवचजपउं/हउंपसण्बवउ पर ईमेल भेज कर सम्पर्क किया जा सकता है।
खबर की श्रेणी लखनऊ
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Home/लखनऊ/यूपी में कल बटेंगे छात्र-छात्राओं को लैपटॉप
Written by Editor Sunday, 24 March
लखनऊ: येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान लखनऊ के राजाजीपुरम स्थित कैम्प कार्यालय
में उ0प्र0 के सूचना के अधिकार कार्यकर्ताओं एवं प्रयोगकर्ताओं की आज
बैठक हुई। बैठक में उ0प्र0 राज्य में सूचना के अधिकार का सही क्रियान्वयन
न हो पाने के कारण सूचना मांगने वाले नागरिकों को होने वाली समस्याओं पर
गहनता से विचार विमर्श किया गया। बैठक में उपस्थित सभी प्रतिभागियांे ने
सूचना के अधिकार के प्रति सरकार, राज्य सूचना आयोग, अपीलीय अधिकारियों
एवं जनसूचना अधिकारियों के उदासीन रवैये पर गहरा क्षोभ प्रकट करते हुए
सर्वसम्मति से यह निर्णय लिया कि येश्वर्याज सेवा संस्थान की सचिव उर्वशी
शर्मा के नेतृत्व में 01.04.2013 को उ0प्र0 की विधान सभा के सामने स्थित
धरना स्थल पर ''भैंस के आगे बीन बजाकर'' एंव ''साँपों को दूध पिलाकर''
प्रदेश के आर0टी0आई0 कार्यकर्ता एवं प्रयोगकर्ता प्रतीकात्मक प्रदर्शन
इस अभियान हेतु एक पोस्टर भी जारी किया गया। अभियान की प्रभारी उर्वशी
शर्मा ने बताया कि अभियान से जुड़ने के लिए सरकार, राज्य सूचना आयोग,
अपीलीय अधिकारियों एवं जनसूचना अधिकारियों के रवैये से परेशान नागरिक
मो0नं0 9369613513 पर सम्पर्क कर सकते है। ईमेल से सम्पर्क हेतु
तजपवचजपउं/हउंपसण्बवउ पर ईमेल भेज कर सम्पर्क किया जा सकता है।
खबर की श्रेणी लखनऊ
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Hindustan times HT Woman 2013 : SMS Vote appeal for the Youngest RTI activist of India : Aishwarya Parashar from Lucknow: type HTW12 and send it to 54242
Hindustan times HT Woman 2013 : SMS Vote appeal for the Youngest RTI
activist of India : Aishwarya Parashar from Lucknow: type HTW<space>12
and send it to 54242
activist of India : Aishwarya Parashar from Lucknow: type HTW<space>12
and send it to 54242
Friday, March 22, 2013
Breaking the Silence Finally on Child Sexual Abuse
Breaking the Silence Finally on Child Sexual Abuse. By Anjali Singh
Child Sexual Abuse is a topic few are ready to discuss much less
address. Thus it came as a welcome surprise when in May 2012 the
Indian Parliament enacted its first law specifically outlawing child
sexual abuse. Prior to that the Protection of Children from Sexual
Offences Act being notified, different forms of abuse with children in
India was covered by laws not designed to address them. So if a girl
suffered non-penetrative sexual abuse it would be classified as
"assault with intent to outrage the modesty of woman," and if a boy
suffered abuse it would be classified as per the draconian
anti-homosexuality law that criminalized, "carnal intercourse against
the order of nature."
But this would only help punish the perpetrator if the police and
courts would recognize the crime as non-penetrative sexual acts. But
whether the law would recognize it or not, Child Sexual Abuse has been
a reality that children in India have been facing continuously
irrespective of their gender or societal strata they belonged to. A
fact that a recently released report by Human Rights Watch confirms in
a report they released in Lucknow in February 2013. One look at the
report on child sexual abuse termed, "Breaking the Silence-Child
Sexual Abuse in India" and the horrifying reality would become more
than evident.
The report presents a dismal picture of child protection in the
country particularly when it comes to preventing sexual abuse of
minors within homes, schools and institutions. A comprehensive 82 page
report, complete with case studies and expert comments, it proves
beyond doubt the existence of child sexual abuse across classes.
Highlighting inaction against the perpetrators, Human Rights Watch
maintains while releasing the report that child sexual abuse in homes,
schools and institutions for care and protection of children is quite
common. They further stress that a government appointed committee in
January 2013 itself found that the government child protection
schemes, "have clearly failed to achieve their avowed objective."
And this when in a statement released by Louis-Georges Arsenault,
UNICEF Representative to India, clearly establishes children in India
are facing child sexual abuse. Arsenault states, "It is alarming that
too many of these cases are children. One in three rape victims is a
child. More than 7,200 children including infants are raped every
year; experts believe that many more cases go unreported. Given the
stigma attached to rapes, especially when it comes to children, this
is most likely only the tip of the iceberg. "
But as alarming as that sounds the current report released by Human
Rights Watch is not the only study done in India on a subject of child
sexual abuse. In 2007 the Indian government sponsored a survey called,
"National Study on Child Abuse: India 2007" through the Ministry of
Women and Child Development, GoI. The findings of the study was based
on interviews with 12,500 children in 13 different states, and
reported serious and widespread sexual abuse, thereby bringing on
record the gravity of the problem. Yet no concrete steps were
initiated to deal with the problem and Renuka Chowdhry, the then
Minister of Women and Child, went as far as describing the prevalence
of child sexual abuse in India as "a conspiracy of silence"
What was really disturbing was the fact that the survey confirmed that
72 percent of the victims said they were abused and they did not
report the matter to anyone. Only a small 3 percent of the victims'
families complained to the police or made the abuse public.
Interestingly, prior to the GoI study in 2007, an India NGO named
Recovery and Healing from Incest(RAHI) conducted India's first study
of child sexual abuse in 1998 called "Recovery and Healing from
Incest, Voices from the Silent Zone(New Delhi 1998). The study
interviewed 600 English-speaking middle and upper class women out
which 76 percent said they had been abused in their childhood or
adolescence. Shockingly 40 percent said they had been abused by a
family member mostly an uncle or a cousin. Yet despite the study
making its findings public nothing much was done by the government or
related agencies to address the problem with seriousness.
Explians Menakshi Ganguly, South Asia Director, Human Rights Watch to
Citizen News Service - CNS, "While great awareness has been raised
about sexual violence against women in India much less is known about
the problem of child sexual abuse in India. Those children that have
the courage to speak up against the sexual abuse they face, the
police, medical experts and even their families refuse to take
cognizance of it. The children are admonished for making the
allegations and reprimanded by authority figures as well. We too faced
a lot of difficulty in collecting information for the survey as no one
was ready to talk about the abuse they had faced." She adds, "The
interviews we conducted from April and June 2012 and more than 100
people were interviewed including independent and government child
protection experts and officials, police officials, doctors, social
workers and lawyers. We also spoke to eight victims of child sexual
abuse and relatives of another nine victims, who agreed to discuss
their experiences. One of the victim was a male and seven were
The study also investigated cases of CSA within institutions both
private and government which had been well highlighted in the media
between 2011-2012. In the absence of effective monitoring of
residential care facilities like Apna Ghar and Drone Foundation in
Haryana where children were housed within an institution for care and
protection and abused by the people running the home were also
studied. Cases of sexual abuse within the Shiv Kuti Shishu Grih, a
government residential facility for girls in Allahabad, a city in
Uttar Pradesh had girls between the ages of 6-12 years facing sexual
abuse by an employee for over fifteen years and it was only discovered
by chance are also included. Cases from homes in New Delhi, Karnataka,
West Bengal, Goa, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh were studied where alleged
abusers were members of staff, older children and outside visitors
including police officers. But addressing child sexual abuse,
according to Human Rights Watch report is a challenge the world over,
but in India, shortcomings in both state and community responses add
to the problem, as victims who come forward make a complaint often
suffer as a result.
Ahmed, father of a 12 year old girl who was gang raped says, "My
family was ostracized after my daughter said she was raped. The attack
on her took place after three men abducted her one afternoon as she
was walking back to her home in the northern city of Varanasi in Uttar
Pradesh. We decided to inform the police after seeing her condition
and also as many school girls used the same street and we were afraid
for their safety. But instead of supporting me my neighbors shunned me
as my daughter was raped. The family of my elder daughter's fiancé
cancelled the engagement as they felt public knowledge of the attack
on my daughter would bring shame to their family."
But apart from facing social ostracism, Ahmed(name changed) also had
to face the ire of the enforcement agencies, "The police discouraged
me from registering the complaint and accused my family of lying. My
daughter was continuously saying she was raped, but the police told us
not to tell anyone and settle the case. When I refused the police
grabbed me and slapped me several times, they also beat up my son."
Similar insensitive approach of the police is stated by another 12
year old victim in the report. Krishna(name changed), also from Uttar
Pradesh says she was raped by a member of a politically influential
family. When she complained to the police, instead of taking action
against the perpetrator, they detained her at the police station over
12 days.
Recalls Krishna, "The police kept insisting that I change my statement
otherwise they threatened that something would happen to me. They
would also insult me and call me rude names. My parents kept trying to
see me but they did not allow them to talk to me because they thought
my parents would tell me to speak the truth."
While the CSA report exposes police apathy of in cases of abuse with
children it also make a strong point about the insensitive attitude of
the medical fraternity in dealing with child rape victims. Says
Krishna who went through a traumatic experience when she was asked to
go through medical examination post rape, "The doctor asked me to lie
down on a table and remove my clothes. When she examined me she
inserted a single finger inside me. It hurt and I was scared. I did
not like what the doctor was doing to me. She then said, "Oh, it was
just a small rape, it's no big deal."
According to Menakshi Ganguly, "The finger test has been banned by the
High Courts in most states, even forensic experts maintain that this
test has no scientific importance yet it is be constantly used on
victims. The doctors and medical experts examining a child who has
been a victim of rape maintained when interviewed by us that in the
absence of any training and guidelines on how to carry out
examinations of a child rape victims they have to use the existing
procedures which are extremely traumatic for a child. In most cases we
examined the finger test was used by doctors to examine a child rape
Agrees the mother of a three-year-old girl whose daughter had to
undergo a medical examination after being raped and sodomized by her
own father, "The whole experience was not only painful but distressing
for both me and my daughter. Instead of examining my child in a
separate room, the examination was done in a blood stained labor ward
in a govt hospital in Bengaluru which further traumatized her. The
doctor who conducted the examination was very young who knew nothing
of examining a rape victim, she kept asking my daughter if she had
bled and could she walk after being raped. Then she pulled my child's
leg back and she screamed in pain. After the examination my daughter
could not pee for 6-8 hours because of the severe pain."
As per Dr Shaibya Saldanha, a gynecologist who works with child sexual
abuse survivors in Bengaluru, "Most doctors simply do not have the
skills to perform such an important role. Unfortunately no doctor,
whether a general practitioner or a gynecologist or a pediatrician has
been given any training whatsoever regarding child abuse examination,
interviewing, how to take care, what are rehabilitation procedures,
medical and psychological needs of the child. They have no idea."
A situation that is even worse in states like Uttar Pradesh and Madhya
Pradesh shares Vinika Karoli , State Co-ordinator UP, Quality
Institutional Care and Alternative for Children, an organization that
facilitated the release of the CSA Study in Lucknow, "There were too
many cases happening in UP and MP and with no protection mechanism and
in absence of state rules on the Juvenile Justice Act it was difficult
to get a correct picture of the situation. Through an RTI we filed it
came to light that govt in UP was pinning the number of CSA cases in
Pakistan News
March 22, 2013
Karachi peace impossible until mafias eliminated: CJ Iftikhar ...
Second meeting of Parliamentary Committee ends inconclusively ...
Pakistan has positive engagement policy with Afghanistan: FO ...
Obama makes direct peace appeal to the Israeli people ...
Foreign policy to be reviewed if PML-N voted to power: Nawaz ...
Pakistan denies involvement in 1993 Mumbai attacks ...
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© 2008 Copy Rights Pakistan Christian Post. All Rights Reserved.
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Breaking the Silence Finally on Child Sexual Abuse. By Anjali Singh
Child Sexual Abuse is a topic few are ready to discuss much less
address. Thus it came as a welcome surprise when in May 2012 the
Indian Parliament enacted its first law specifically outlawing child
sexual abuse. Prior to that the Protection of Children from Sexual
Offences Act being notified, different forms of abuse with children in
India was covered by laws not designed to address them. So if a girl
suffered non-penetrative sexual abuse it would be classified as
"assault with intent to outrage the modesty of woman," and if a boy
suffered abuse it would be classified as per the draconian
anti-homosexuality law that criminalized, "carnal intercourse against
the order of nature."
But this would only help punish the perpetrator if the police and
courts would recognize the crime as non-penetrative sexual acts. But
whether the law would recognize it or not, Child Sexual Abuse has been
a reality that children in India have been facing continuously
irrespective of their gender or societal strata they belonged to. A
fact that a recently released report by Human Rights Watch confirms in
a report they released in Lucknow in February 2013. One look at the
report on child sexual abuse termed, "Breaking the Silence-Child
Sexual Abuse in India" and the horrifying reality would become more
than evident.
The report presents a dismal picture of child protection in the
country particularly when it comes to preventing sexual abuse of
minors within homes, schools and institutions. A comprehensive 82 page
report, complete with case studies and expert comments, it proves
beyond doubt the existence of child sexual abuse across classes.
Highlighting inaction against the perpetrators, Human Rights Watch
maintains while releasing the report that child sexual abuse in homes,
schools and institutions for care and protection of children is quite
common. They further stress that a government appointed committee in
January 2013 itself found that the government child protection
schemes, "have clearly failed to achieve their avowed objective."
And this when in a statement released by Louis-Georges Arsenault,
UNICEF Representative to India, clearly establishes children in India
are facing child sexual abuse. Arsenault states, "It is alarming that
too many of these cases are children. One in three rape victims is a
child. More than 7,200 children including infants are raped every
year; experts believe that many more cases go unreported. Given the
stigma attached to rapes, especially when it comes to children, this
is most likely only the tip of the iceberg. "
But as alarming as that sounds the current report released by Human
Rights Watch is not the only study done in India on a subject of child
sexual abuse. In 2007 the Indian government sponsored a survey called,
"National Study on Child Abuse: India 2007" through the Ministry of
Women and Child Development, GoI. The findings of the study was based
on interviews with 12,500 children in 13 different states, and
reported serious and widespread sexual abuse, thereby bringing on
record the gravity of the problem. Yet no concrete steps were
initiated to deal with the problem and Renuka Chowdhry, the then
Minister of Women and Child, went as far as describing the prevalence
of child sexual abuse in India as "a conspiracy of silence"
What was really disturbing was the fact that the survey confirmed that
72 percent of the victims said they were abused and they did not
report the matter to anyone. Only a small 3 percent of the victims'
families complained to the police or made the abuse public.
Interestingly, prior to the GoI study in 2007, an India NGO named
Recovery and Healing from Incest(RAHI) conducted India's first study
of child sexual abuse in 1998 called "Recovery and Healing from
Incest, Voices from the Silent Zone(New Delhi 1998). The study
interviewed 600 English-speaking middle and upper class women out
which 76 percent said they had been abused in their childhood or
adolescence. Shockingly 40 percent said they had been abused by a
family member mostly an uncle or a cousin. Yet despite the study
making its findings public nothing much was done by the government or
related agencies to address the problem with seriousness.
Explians Menakshi Ganguly, South Asia Director, Human Rights Watch to
Citizen News Service - CNS, "While great awareness has been raised
about sexual violence against women in India much less is known about
the problem of child sexual abuse in India. Those children that have
the courage to speak up against the sexual abuse they face, the
police, medical experts and even their families refuse to take
cognizance of it. The children are admonished for making the
allegations and reprimanded by authority figures as well. We too faced
a lot of difficulty in collecting information for the survey as no one
was ready to talk about the abuse they had faced." She adds, "The
interviews we conducted from April and June 2012 and more than 100
people were interviewed including independent and government child
protection experts and officials, police officials, doctors, social
workers and lawyers. We also spoke to eight victims of child sexual
abuse and relatives of another nine victims, who agreed to discuss
their experiences. One of the victim was a male and seven were
The study also investigated cases of CSA within institutions both
private and government which had been well highlighted in the media
between 2011-2012. In the absence of effective monitoring of
residential care facilities like Apna Ghar and Drone Foundation in
Haryana where children were housed within an institution for care and
protection and abused by the people running the home were also
studied. Cases of sexual abuse within the Shiv Kuti Shishu Grih, a
government residential facility for girls in Allahabad, a city in
Uttar Pradesh had girls between the ages of 6-12 years facing sexual
abuse by an employee for over fifteen years and it was only discovered
by chance are also included. Cases from homes in New Delhi, Karnataka,
West Bengal, Goa, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh were studied where alleged
abusers were members of staff, older children and outside visitors
including police officers. But addressing child sexual abuse,
according to Human Rights Watch report is a challenge the world over,
but in India, shortcomings in both state and community responses add
to the problem, as victims who come forward make a complaint often
suffer as a result.
Ahmed, father of a 12 year old girl who was gang raped says, "My
family was ostracized after my daughter said she was raped. The attack
on her took place after three men abducted her one afternoon as she
was walking back to her home in the northern city of Varanasi in Uttar
Pradesh. We decided to inform the police after seeing her condition
and also as many school girls used the same street and we were afraid
for their safety. But instead of supporting me my neighbors shunned me
as my daughter was raped. The family of my elder daughter's fiancé
cancelled the engagement as they felt public knowledge of the attack
on my daughter would bring shame to their family."
But apart from facing social ostracism, Ahmed(name changed) also had
to face the ire of the enforcement agencies, "The police discouraged
me from registering the complaint and accused my family of lying. My
daughter was continuously saying she was raped, but the police told us
not to tell anyone and settle the case. When I refused the police
grabbed me and slapped me several times, they also beat up my son."
Similar insensitive approach of the police is stated by another 12
year old victim in the report. Krishna(name changed), also from Uttar
Pradesh says she was raped by a member of a politically influential
family. When she complained to the police, instead of taking action
against the perpetrator, they detained her at the police station over
12 days.
Recalls Krishna, "The police kept insisting that I change my statement
otherwise they threatened that something would happen to me. They
would also insult me and call me rude names. My parents kept trying to
see me but they did not allow them to talk to me because they thought
my parents would tell me to speak the truth."
While the CSA report exposes police apathy of in cases of abuse with
children it also make a strong point about the insensitive attitude of
the medical fraternity in dealing with child rape victims. Says
Krishna who went through a traumatic experience when she was asked to
go through medical examination post rape, "The doctor asked me to lie
down on a table and remove my clothes. When she examined me she
inserted a single finger inside me. It hurt and I was scared. I did
not like what the doctor was doing to me. She then said, "Oh, it was
just a small rape, it's no big deal."
According to Menakshi Ganguly, "The finger test has been banned by the
High Courts in most states, even forensic experts maintain that this
test has no scientific importance yet it is be constantly used on
victims. The doctors and medical experts examining a child who has
been a victim of rape maintained when interviewed by us that in the
absence of any training and guidelines on how to carry out
examinations of a child rape victims they have to use the existing
procedures which are extremely traumatic for a child. In most cases we
examined the finger test was used by doctors to examine a child rape
Agrees the mother of a three-year-old girl whose daughter had to
undergo a medical examination after being raped and sodomized by her
own father, "The whole experience was not only painful but distressing
for both me and my daughter. Instead of examining my child in a
separate room, the examination was done in a blood stained labor ward
in a govt hospital in Bengaluru which further traumatized her. The
doctor who conducted the examination was very young who knew nothing
of examining a rape victim, she kept asking my daughter if she had
bled and could she walk after being raped. Then she pulled my child's
leg back and she screamed in pain. After the examination my daughter
could not pee for 6-8 hours because of the severe pain."
As per Dr Shaibya Saldanha, a gynecologist who works with child sexual
abuse survivors in Bengaluru, "Most doctors simply do not have the
skills to perform such an important role. Unfortunately no doctor,
whether a general practitioner or a gynecologist or a pediatrician has
been given any training whatsoever regarding child abuse examination,
interviewing, how to take care, what are rehabilitation procedures,
medical and psychological needs of the child. They have no idea."
A situation that is even worse in states like Uttar Pradesh and Madhya
Pradesh shares Vinika Karoli , State Co-ordinator UP, Quality
Institutional Care and Alternative for Children, an organization that
facilitated the release of the CSA Study in Lucknow, "There were too
many cases happening in UP and MP and with no protection mechanism and
in absence of state rules on the Juvenile Justice Act it was difficult
to get a correct picture of the situation. Through an RTI we filed it
came to light that govt in UP was pinning the number of CSA cases in
Pakistan News
March 22, 2013
Karachi peace impossible until mafias eliminated: CJ Iftikhar ...
Second meeting of Parliamentary Committee ends inconclusively ...
Pakistan has positive engagement policy with Afghanistan: FO ...
Obama makes direct peace appeal to the Israeli people ...
Foreign policy to be reviewed if PML-N voted to power: Nawaz ...
Pakistan denies involvement in 1993 Mumbai attacks ...
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- Urvashi Sharma
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Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Invite : Uttar Pradesh Campaign to Protect RtI ( UPCPRI ) has organized a demonstration
Invite : Uttar Pradesh Campaign to Protect RtI ( UPCPRI ) has
organized a demonstration
Against UPSIC & State Government
For their lackluster attitude towards implementation of RTI act in Uttar Pradesh
on 01st April 2013
At Dharna Sthal opposite Vidhaan Sabha in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India
By "playing flute before a buffalo " and also by " offering milk to snakes"
Please join us on 01-04-13 to strengthen RTI movement in Uttar Pradesh.
Pre-program poster attached.
Financial assistance, if any is welcome and the same can be deposited
in HDFC Bank Rajajipuram Lucknow branch a/c no. 1136 145 0000 126 in
Urvashi Sharma
Founder & Coordinater- UPCPRI
Mobile 9369613513
Invite : Uttar Pradesh Campaign to Protect RtI ( UPCPRI ) has
organized a demonstration
Against UPSIC & State Government
For their lackluster attitude towards implementation of RTI act in Uttar Pradesh
on 01st April 2013
At Dharna Sthal opposite Vidhaan Sabha in Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India
By "playing flute before a buffalo " and also by " offering milk to snakes"
Please join us on 01-04-13 to strengthen RTI movement in Uttar Pradesh.
Pre-program poster attached.
Financial assistance, if any is welcome and the same can be deposited
in HDFC Bank Rajajipuram Lucknow branch a/c no. 1136 145 0000 126 in
Urvashi Sharma
Founder & Coordinater- UPCPRI
Mobile 9369613513
RTI activists of Uttar Pradesh to demonstrate on 01-04-13 at Dharna sthal opposite Vidhaan Sabha in Lucknow
RTI activists of Uttar Pradesh to demonstrate on 01-04-13 at Dharna
sthal opposite Vidhaan Sabha in Lucknow
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
sthal opposite Vidhaan Sabha in Lucknow
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
सूचना के सिपाही "भैंस के आगे बीन बजाकर" और "साँपों को दूध पिलाकर" करेंगे प्रतीकात्मक विरोध प्रदर्शन
सूचना के सिपाही "भैंस के आगे बीन बजाकर" और "साँपों को दूध पिलाकर"
करेंगे प्रतीकात्मक विरोध प्रदर्शन
POSTER Attached
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
करेंगे प्रतीकात्मक विरोध प्रदर्शन
POSTER Attached
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
हज यात्रा के लिए आर्थिक मदद नहीं देती उप्र सरकार
हज यात्रा के लिए आर्थिक मदद नहीं देती उप्र सरकार
Created on Thursday, 21 March 2013 21:51
लखनऊ, 21 मार्च (आईएएनएस/आईपीएन)। कहने को तो प्रदेश सरकार में हज
मंत्रालय है, अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण विभाग और धार्मिक कार्य विभाग हैं और इन
विभागों का पूरा सरकारी तामझाम भी है, पर हैरत वाली बात है कि हज यात्रा
के लिए सरकार की ओर से एक पैसे की भी आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है। यह
खुलासा सूचना के अधिकार (आरटीआई) के जरिए हुआ है।
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता उर्वशी शर्मा ने उत्तर प्रदेश
के हज मंत्री के जन सूचनाधिकारी से हज यात्रा एवं उससे संबंधित बिंदुओं
पर सूचना मांगी थी, लेकिन हज मंत्री के कार्यालय में जनसूचना अधिकारी न
होने के कारण उर्वशी का पत्र वापस आ गया।
इसके बाद उर्वशी ने पिछले वर्ष 30 नवंबर को हज मंत्री के कार्यालय के
अपील अधिकारी को प्रथम अपील भेजी। राज्य हज समिति के जनसूचना अधिकारी
अजादार हुसैन ने इस वर्ष चार फरवरी को पत्र के जवाब में लिखा है कि उत्तर
प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा हज यात्रा के लिए कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है।
हज यात्रा पर होने वाले व्यय का वहन हज यात्री स्वयं करते हैं।
उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस खुलासे के बाद अब उनका सामाजिक संगठन अखिलेश यादव
सरकार को मांगपत्र भेजकर हजयात्रियों को आर्थिक मदद देने संबंधी मांग
इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस।
हज यात्रा के लिए आर्थिक मदद नहीं देती उप्र सरकार
Created on Thursday, 21 March 2013 21:51
लखनऊ, 21 मार्च (आईएएनएस/आईपीएन)। कहने को तो प्रदेश सरकार में हज
मंत्रालय है, अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण विभाग और धार्मिक कार्य विभाग हैं और इन
विभागों का पूरा सरकारी तामझाम भी है, पर हैरत वाली बात है कि हज यात्रा
के लिए सरकार की ओर से एक पैसे की भी आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है। यह
खुलासा सूचना के अधिकार (आरटीआई) के जरिए हुआ है।
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता उर्वशी शर्मा ने उत्तर प्रदेश
के हज मंत्री के जन सूचनाधिकारी से हज यात्रा एवं उससे संबंधित बिंदुओं
पर सूचना मांगी थी, लेकिन हज मंत्री के कार्यालय में जनसूचना अधिकारी न
होने के कारण उर्वशी का पत्र वापस आ गया।
इसके बाद उर्वशी ने पिछले वर्ष 30 नवंबर को हज मंत्री के कार्यालय के
अपील अधिकारी को प्रथम अपील भेजी। राज्य हज समिति के जनसूचना अधिकारी
अजादार हुसैन ने इस वर्ष चार फरवरी को पत्र के जवाब में लिखा है कि उत्तर
प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा हज यात्रा के लिए कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है।
हज यात्रा पर होने वाले व्यय का वहन हज यात्री स्वयं करते हैं।
उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस खुलासे के बाद अब उनका सामाजिक संगठन अखिलेश यादव
सरकार को मांगपत्र भेजकर हजयात्रियों को आर्थिक मदद देने संबंधी मांग
इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस।
यूपी: अल्ला के बंदो के लिये कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं
यूपी: अल्ला के बंदो के लिये कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं
ख़बरें » राज्यवार » यूपी: अल्ला के बंदो के लिये कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं
22 मार्च 2013
इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस
लखनऊ। कहने को तो प्रदेश सरकार में हज मंत्रालय है, अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण
विभाग और धार्मिक कार्य विभाग हैं और इन विभागों का पूरा सरकारी तामझाम
भी है, पर हैरत वाली बात है कि हज यात्रा के लिए सरकार की ओर से एक पैसे
की भी आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है। यह खुलासा सूचना के अधिकार (आरटीआई)
के जरिए हुआ है।
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता उर्वशी शर्मा ने उत्तर प्रदेश
के हज मंत्री के जन सूचनाधिकारी से हज यात्रा एवं उससे संबंधित बिंदुओं
पर सूचना मांगी थी, लेकिन हज मंत्री के कार्यालय में जनसूचना अधिकारी न
होने के कारण उर्वशी का पत्र वापस आ गया।
इसके बाद उर्वशी ने पिछले वर्ष 30 नवंबर को हज मंत्री के कार्यालय के
अपील अधिकारी को प्रथम अपील भेजी। राज्य हज समिति के जनसूचना अधिकारी
अजादार हुसैन ने इस वर्ष चार फरवरी को पत्र के जवाब में लिखा है कि उत्तर
प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा हज यात्रा के लिए कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है।
हज यात्रा पर होने वाले व्यय का वहन हज यात्री स्वयं करते हैं।
उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस खुलासे के बाद अब उनका सामाजिक संगठन अखिलेश यादव
सरकार को मांगपत्र भेजकर हजयात्रियों को आर्थिक मदद देने संबंधी मांग
ख़बरें » राज्यवार » यूपी: अल्ला के बंदो के लिये कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं
22 मार्च 2013
इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस
लखनऊ। कहने को तो प्रदेश सरकार में हज मंत्रालय है, अल्पसंख्यक कल्याण
विभाग और धार्मिक कार्य विभाग हैं और इन विभागों का पूरा सरकारी तामझाम
भी है, पर हैरत वाली बात है कि हज यात्रा के लिए सरकार की ओर से एक पैसे
की भी आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है। यह खुलासा सूचना के अधिकार (आरटीआई)
के जरिए हुआ है।
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता उर्वशी शर्मा ने उत्तर प्रदेश
के हज मंत्री के जन सूचनाधिकारी से हज यात्रा एवं उससे संबंधित बिंदुओं
पर सूचना मांगी थी, लेकिन हज मंत्री के कार्यालय में जनसूचना अधिकारी न
होने के कारण उर्वशी का पत्र वापस आ गया।
इसके बाद उर्वशी ने पिछले वर्ष 30 नवंबर को हज मंत्री के कार्यालय के
अपील अधिकारी को प्रथम अपील भेजी। राज्य हज समिति के जनसूचना अधिकारी
अजादार हुसैन ने इस वर्ष चार फरवरी को पत्र के जवाब में लिखा है कि उत्तर
प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा हज यात्रा के लिए कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है।
हज यात्रा पर होने वाले व्यय का वहन हज यात्री स्वयं करते हैं।
उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस खुलासे के बाद अब उनका सामाजिक संगठन अखिलेश यादव
सरकार को मांगपत्र भेजकर हजयात्रियों को आर्थिक मदद देने संबंधी मांग
Thursday, March 21, 2013
हज यात्रा के लिए आर्थिक मदद नहीं देती उप्र सरकार
हज यात्रा के लिए आर्थिक मदद नहीं देती उप्र सरकार
ख़बरें » देश » हज यात्रा के लिए आर्थिक मदद नहीं देती उप्र सरकार
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता उर्वशी शर्मा ने उत्तर प्रदेश
के हज मंत्री के जन सूचनाधिकारी से हज यात्रा एवं उससे संबंधित बिंदुओं
पर सूचना मांगी थी, लेकिन हज मंत्री के कार्यालय में जनसूचना अधिकारी न
होने के कारण उर्वशी का पत्र वापस आ गया।
इसके बाद उर्वशी ने पिछले वर्ष 30 नवंबर को हज मंत्री के कार्यालय के
अपील अधिकारी को प्रथम अपील भेजी। राज्य हज समिति के जनसूचना अधिकारी
अजादार हुसैन ने इस वर्ष चार फरवरी को पत्र के जवाब में लिखा है कि उत्तर
प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा हज यात्रा के लिए कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है।
हज यात्रा पर होने वाले व्यय का वहन हज यात्री स्वयं करते हैं।
उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस खुलासे के बाद अब उनका सामाजिक संगठन अखिलेश यादव
सरकार को मांगपत्र भेजकर हजयात्रियों को आर्थिक मदद देने संबंधी मांग
इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस।
ख़बरें » देश » हज यात्रा के लिए आर्थिक मदद नहीं देती उप्र सरकार
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और आरटीआई कार्यकर्ता उर्वशी शर्मा ने उत्तर प्रदेश
के हज मंत्री के जन सूचनाधिकारी से हज यात्रा एवं उससे संबंधित बिंदुओं
पर सूचना मांगी थी, लेकिन हज मंत्री के कार्यालय में जनसूचना अधिकारी न
होने के कारण उर्वशी का पत्र वापस आ गया।
इसके बाद उर्वशी ने पिछले वर्ष 30 नवंबर को हज मंत्री के कार्यालय के
अपील अधिकारी को प्रथम अपील भेजी। राज्य हज समिति के जनसूचना अधिकारी
अजादार हुसैन ने इस वर्ष चार फरवरी को पत्र के जवाब में लिखा है कि उत्तर
प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा हज यात्रा के लिए कोई आर्थिक मदद नहीं दी जाती है।
हज यात्रा पर होने वाले व्यय का वहन हज यात्री स्वयं करते हैं।
उर्वशी ने कहा कि इस खुलासे के बाद अब उनका सामाजिक संगठन अखिलेश यादव
सरकार को मांगपत्र भेजकर हजयात्रियों को आर्थिक मदद देने संबंधी मांग
इंडो-एशियन न्यूज सर्विस।
rti lucknow Uttar Pradesh India UPSIC SIC appointments ?
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Uttar Pradesh : Govt yet to take decision on appointment of information commissioners
While eight out ten posts of information commissioners still vacant in
the state information commission (SIC), the UP government is yet to
take a final decision on their appointments. In a reply to an RTI
query, however, the government has admitted that it is because of the
Supreme Court's order of September 2012 that the nomination process
has not taken off...............................
urvashi sharma
the state information commission (SIC), the UP government is yet to
take a final decision on their appointments. In a reply to an RTI
query, however, the government has admitted that it is because of the
Supreme Court's order of September 2012 that the nomination process
has not taken off...............................
urvashi sharma
Sunday, March 17, 2013
उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार नें क्यों और कहाँ दबा रखी है निमेश आयोग की रिपोर्ट ? अब तक उत्तर प्रदेश के गृह मंत्रालय तक नहीं पंहुची है रिपोर्ट :सूचना के अधिकार से हुआ खुलासा
इन्द्र राज सिंह , अनु सचिव एवं जन सूचना अधिकारी-गृह विभाग नें 07
मार्च 2013 के पत्र द्वारा मेरे सूचना के पत्र दिनांक 23-11-12,26-11-12
एवं प्रथम अपील दिनांक 07-01-13 के सम्बन्ध में सूचित किया है कि निमेश
जांच आयोग की रिपोर्ट गृह मंत्रालय में प्राप्त नहीं हुई है l
read more at given link
urvashi sharma
मार्च 2013 के पत्र द्वारा मेरे सूचना के पत्र दिनांक 23-11-12,26-11-12
एवं प्रथम अपील दिनांक 07-01-13 के सम्बन्ध में सूचित किया है कि निमेश
जांच आयोग की रिपोर्ट गृह मंत्रालय में प्राप्त नहीं हुई है l
read more at given link
urvashi sharma
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Friday, March 15, 2013
Laptop distribution : Complete wastage of public money by Akhilesh Yadav CM UP
Shocker for Akhilesh govt: Students selling HP laptops for R 10,000
Right after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav distributed
free laptops to intermediate students, the recipients reached local
market to sell their laptop at a throw away price. Some of the
students were found ready to sell those laptops for mere Rs 10,000.
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Right after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav distributed
free laptops to intermediate students, the recipients reached local
market to sell their laptop at a throw away price. Some of the
students were found ready to sell those laptops for mere Rs 10,000.
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
The first thing most students had tried to do : change the in-built tamper-proof wallpaper depicting Akhilesh Yadav and his father Mulayam Singh Yadav
Removing Akhilesh's in-built tamper-proof wallpaper crashes laptops
Efforts to change the in-built tamper-proof wallpaper -- depicting
Yadav and his father Mulayam Singh Yadav -- proved disastrous.The
laptops crashed. And when local HP engineers tried to rectify the
problem, Linux, one of the operating systems on the machine, got
Read full story at given link
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Efforts to change the in-built tamper-proof wallpaper -- depicting
Yadav and his father Mulayam Singh Yadav -- proved disastrous.The
laptops crashed. And when local HP engineers tried to rectify the
problem, Linux, one of the operating systems on the machine, got
Read full story at given link
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
RTI reveals spendthrift side of UP CM Akhilesh Yadav!
RTI reveals spendthrift side of UP CM Akhilesh Yadav!
RTI reveals spendthrift side of UP CM Akhilesh Yadav!
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
RTI reveals spendthrift side of UP CM Akhilesh Yadav!
RTI reveals spendthrift side of UP CM Akhilesh Yadav!
- Urvashi Sharma
Contact 9369613513
Right to Information Helpline 8081898081
Helpline Against Corruption 9455553838
Sunday, March 10, 2013
New York Daily News : RTI News :Spending Rs.12.2 crore to dole out Rs 8.54 crore!
Spending Rs.12.2 crore to dole out Rs 8.54 crore!
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Lucknow, March 10 — Has the Akhilesh Yadav government in Uttar Pradesh
got its priorities wrong?
Even as the Samajwadi Party (SP) gears up to celebrate its first year
in office, a Right to Information (RTI) query on its flagship scheme -
an allowance for the unemployed - is set to trigger a controversy.
The scheme had created a wave of goodwill in the run-up to last year's
assembly polls and reaped rich electoral dividends to the SP which won
224 seats.
It has now been disclosed that money spent on extravagant functions to
distribute the dole is more than the money given to the programme's
In response to a RTI query by activist Urvashi Sharma, the training
and employment directorate has pointed to an expenditure of Rs 12.29
crore on holding functions at various places.
In contrast, the allowance disbursed by the government to the
unemployed youth added up to only Rs.8.54 crore till November 2012.
This means that the beneficiaries of the government's largesse got
some Rs.4 crore less than what was spent on functions, advertisements,
lunch packets, transport, marquees and the like.
Asked to respond to such lop-sided expenditure, a government official
admitted in private that the data was sure to "leave the state
government red-faced".
"This is utterly embarrassing. I hope the right people take note of
this and corrective measures are initiated," quipped the official.
The wastage on these functions becomes even more profound as these
were presided over by the chief minister.
The SP had promised unemployed youths a dole of Rs.1,000 a month.
While some political quarters had questioned the move and asked the
government to create job opportunities instead, the chief minister had
called it a flagship scheme.
The government, within three months of its swearing in, kickstarted
the scheme with fanfare at district headquarters.
Surprisingly, while the employment directorate says Rs.8.54 crore was
distributed between March 15 and Nov 14 in 2012, an official but yet
to be released speaks of Rs.192 crore distributed to 234,240
(Mohit Dubey can be contacted at
IANS This article was distributed through the NewsCred Smartwire.
Original article © IANS / Daily News 2013
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Spending Rs.12.2 crore to dole out Rs 8.54 crore!
Sunday Mar 10, 2013
Lucknow, March 10 — Has the Akhilesh Yadav government in Uttar Pradesh
got its priorities wrong?
Even as the Samajwadi Party (SP) gears up to celebrate its first year
in office, a Right to Information (RTI) query on its flagship scheme -
an allowance for the unemployed - is set to trigger a controversy.
The scheme had created a wave of goodwill in the run-up to last year's
assembly polls and reaped rich electoral dividends to the SP which won
224 seats.
It has now been disclosed that money spent on extravagant functions to
distribute the dole is more than the money given to the programme's
In response to a RTI query by activist Urvashi Sharma, the training
and employment directorate has pointed to an expenditure of Rs 12.29
crore on holding functions at various places.
In contrast, the allowance disbursed by the government to the
unemployed youth added up to only Rs.8.54 crore till November 2012.
This means that the beneficiaries of the government's largesse got
some Rs.4 crore less than what was spent on functions, advertisements,
lunch packets, transport, marquees and the like.
Asked to respond to such lop-sided expenditure, a government official
admitted in private that the data was sure to "leave the state
government red-faced".
"This is utterly embarrassing. I hope the right people take note of
this and corrective measures are initiated," quipped the official.
The wastage on these functions becomes even more profound as these
were presided over by the chief minister.
The SP had promised unemployed youths a dole of Rs.1,000 a month.
While some political quarters had questioned the move and asked the
government to create job opportunities instead, the chief minister had
called it a flagship scheme.
The government, within three months of its swearing in, kickstarted
the scheme with fanfare at district headquarters.
Surprisingly, while the employment directorate says Rs.8.54 crore was
distributed between March 15 and Nov 14 in 2012, an official but yet
to be released speaks of Rs.192 crore distributed to 234,240
(Mohit Dubey can be contacted at
IANS This article was distributed through the NewsCred Smartwire.
Original article © IANS / Daily News 2013
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Saturday, March 9, 2013
Uttar Pradesh Cadre 1983 batch tainted IAS Sadakant
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06/07/2012 06:22:00
जिस हल्ले के साथ अखिलेश की सत्ता में वापसी हुई थी, वह मंद पड़ रहा है.
जिस नई राजनीति की चर्चा थी, उस पर सवाल उठाए जा रहे हैं. ऐसा व्यक्ति जो
चौतरफा आरोपितों, दागियों और भ्रष्टों से घिरा है, क्या वह ईमानदार फैसले
ले सकता है? आखिर क्या मजबूरी रही अखिलेश यादव की जो उन्होंने चुन-चुन कर
ऐसे अधिकारियों को महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर बैठाया जिनके ऊपर तरह-तरह के आरोप
हैं. जयप्रकाश त्रिपाठी की रिपोर्ट.
पद: आयुक्त, समाज कल्याण विभाग
मामला: प्रतिनियुक्ति के दौरान लेह लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रु.का सड़क घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई जांच जारी है.
सदाकांत इस समय समाज कल्याण विभाग के आयुक्त हैं. वे दो साल पहले
केंद्रीय प्रतिनियुक्ति पर गृह मंत्रालय में ज्वाइंट सेक्रेटरी के पद पर
कार्यरत थे. उस समय लेह-लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रुपये का सड़क घोटाला हुआ.
सीबीआई ने 2010 में केस दर्ज करते हुए सदाकांत को भी आरोपित बनाया. उनके
दिल्ली स्थित घर की तलाशी भी हुई थी. इस मामले की गंभीरता का अंदाजा इसी
बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि केंद्र सरकार ने घोटाले का सूत्रधार मानते
हुए सदाकांत की प्रतिनियुक्ति बीच में रद्द करके उन्हें बीच में ही उनके
मूल काडर उत्तर प्रदेश वापस भेज दिया.
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दरबार के दागी रतन
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06/07/2012 06:22:00
जिस हल्ले के साथ अखिलेश की सत्ता में वापसी हुई थी, वह मंद पड़ रहा है.
जिस नई राजनीति की चर्चा थी, उस पर सवाल उठाए जा रहे हैं. ऐसा व्यक्ति जो
चौतरफा आरोपितों, दागियों और भ्रष्टों से घिरा है, क्या वह ईमानदार फैसले
ले सकता है? आखिर क्या मजबूरी रही अखिलेश यादव की जो उन्होंने चुन-चुन कर
ऐसे अधिकारियों को महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर बैठाया जिनके ऊपर तरह-तरह के आरोप
हैं. जयप्रकाश त्रिपाठी की रिपोर्ट.
पद: आयुक्त, समाज कल्याण विभाग
मामला: प्रतिनियुक्ति के दौरान लेह लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रु.का सड़क घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई जांच जारी है.
सदाकांत इस समय समाज कल्याण विभाग के आयुक्त हैं. वे दो साल पहले
केंद्रीय प्रतिनियुक्ति पर गृह मंत्रालय में ज्वाइंट सेक्रेटरी के पद पर
कार्यरत थे. उस समय लेह-लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रुपये का सड़क घोटाला हुआ.
सीबीआई ने 2010 में केस दर्ज करते हुए सदाकांत को भी आरोपित बनाया. उनके
दिल्ली स्थित घर की तलाशी भी हुई थी. इस मामले की गंभीरता का अंदाजा इसी
बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि केंद्र सरकार ने घोटाले का सूत्रधार मानते
हुए सदाकांत की प्रतिनियुक्ति बीच में रद्द करके उन्हें बीच में ही उनके
मूल काडर उत्तर प्रदेश वापस भेज दिया.
अखिलेश यादव के दरबार के दागी रतन
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दरबार के दागी रतन
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06/07/2012 06:22:00
जिस हल्ले के साथ अखिलेश की सत्ता में वापसी हुई थी, वह मंद पड़ रहा है.
जिस नई राजनीति की चर्चा थी, उस पर सवाल उठाए जा रहे हैं. ऐसा व्यक्ति जो
चौतरफा आरोपितों, दागियों और भ्रष्टों से घिरा है, क्या वह ईमानदार फैसले
ले सकता है? आखिर क्या मजबूरी रही अखिलेश यादव की जो उन्होंने चुन-चुन कर
ऐसे अधिकारियों को महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर बैठाया जिनके ऊपर तरह-तरह के आरोप
हैं. जयप्रकाश त्रिपाठी की रिपोर्ट.
अनिता सिंह
पद: सचिव, मुख्यमंत्री
मामला: गोमतीनगर भूमि घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सुप्रीम कोर्ट में विचाराधीन
अखिलेश यादव ने मुख्यमंत्री पद की शपथ लेते ही 15 मार्च की दोपहर आईएएस
अधिकारी अनीता सिंह को मुख्यमंत्री के सचिव पद का तोहफा दिया. 2005 में
सपा सरकार के कुछ करीबी नेताओं व अधिकारियों को नियम-कानूनों को दरकिनार
कर गोमतीनगर जैसे पॉश इलाके में प्लाट आवंटित करने का आरोप सिंह पर है.
खुद उनके नाम भी एक प्लॉट आवंटित हुआ था. मामला सुप्रीम कोर्ट में
विचाराधीन होने के बावजूद अखिलेश यादव ने उन्हें इतना महत्वपूर्ण ओहदा
दिया. दबी जुबान से यह भी कहा जा रहा है कि अनीता सिंह को मुलायम सिंह के
पिछले कार्यकाल में सपाइयों के प्रति दिखाई गई हमदर्दी का इनाम दिया गया
राजीव कुमार
पद: प्रमुख सचिव
मामला: नोएडा प्लॉट आवंटन घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई चार्जशीट दाखिल हो चुकी है
राजीव कुमार सचिवालय के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण ओहदे पर हैं. इनके ऊपर नोएडा के
प्लाट आवंटन घोटाले में सीबीआई की चार्जशीट है. मुलायम सिंह के पिछले
कार्यकाल में मुख्य सचिव रही नीरा यादव के साथ राजीव कुमार पर नोएडा भूमि
आवंटन घोटाले के छींटे पड़े थे. सीबीआई ने उन्हें आरोपित बनाया था. मामला
अभी गाजियाबाद की सीबीआई कोर्ट में चल रहा है. मई, 2012 में सीबीआई कोर्ट
ने बयान दर्ज करवाने के लिए राजीव कुमार को तलब किया था.
पंधारी यादव
पद : विशेष सचिव, मुख्यमंत्री
मामला : सोनभद्र में तैनाती के दौरान मनरेगा में करोड़ों रुपये का गबन हुआ
मौजूदा स्थितिः मामला रफा-दफा कर दिया गया है
मुख्यमंत्री सचिवालय में तैनात आईएएस पंधारी यादव आज जितना सपा के करीब
हैं मार्च, 2012 से पहले तक उतना ही बसपा सरकार के भी करीब थे. दो साल से
अधिक समय तक यादव सोनभद्र जिले के डीएम रहे और उनके कार्यकाल में करोड़ों
के घपले मनरेगा में होते रहे. केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की जांच टीमों ने
दौरा करके इस घोटाले को उजागर किया. बहुजन समाज पार्टी की सरकार ने
सीबीआई जांच को टालने के लिए निचले स्तर के कुछ अधिकारियों को निलंबित कर
दिया और यादव को डीएम के पद से हटा कर यमुना एक्सप्रेसवे अथारिटी में भेज
राकेश बहादुर
पद: चेयरमैन, नोएडा अथॉरिटी
मामला: नोएडा में पांच सितारा होटलों के प्लॉट आवंटन में घोटाला.
प्रवर्तन निदेशालय में मनी लॉन्डरिंग मामला
मौजूदा स्थितिः प्रवर्तन निदेशालय को उनके जवाब का इंतजार है
नोएडा अथारिटी के चेयरमैन राकेश बहादुर पिछली सपा सरकार में भी इसी पद पर
तैनात थे. 2006 में नोएडा में थ्री, फोर व फाइव स्टार होटलों के लिए
प्लॉट आवंटन हुए थे. इसमें कथित घोटाले को देखते हुए बसपा सरकार ने 2007
में इन आवंटनों को रद्द कर दिया था. साल 2009 में राकेश बहादुर को
मायावती ने निलंबित भी कर दिया था. 2010 में प्रवर्तन निदेशालय ने इनके
खिलाफ मनी लॉन्डरिंग का केस दर्ज करके नोटिस जारी किया है.
संजीव सरन
पद: सीईओ, नोएडा
मामला: नोएडा प्लॉट आवंटन घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः मामला आर्थिक अपराध शाखा के हवाले कर दिया गया
संजीव सरन मुलायम सिंह की सरकार में नोएडा के सीईओ थे और अखिलेश सरकार
में फिर से उसी पद पर भेजे गए हैं. 2006 में नोएडा में हुए 4,000 करोड़
से भी अधिक के कथित भूमि घोटाले में पूर्ववर्ती बीएसपी सरकार के कार्यकाल
में इन्हें निलंबित कर दिया गया था. नोएडा के सेक्टर 20 थाने में इनके
खिलाफ प्राथमिकी भी दर्ज हुई थी. बाद में यह मामला आर्थिक अपराध शाखा की
मेरठ ब्रांच को सौंप दिया गया. विडंबना है कि जिस पद पर रहते हुए सरन
भ्रष्टाचार के आरोप में घिरे और फिलहाल जांच का सामना कर रहे हैं उसी पद
पर सपा सरकार ने उन्हें फिर से विराजमान कर दिया है.
पद: आयुक्त, समाज कल्याण विभाग
मामला: प्रतिनियुक्ति के दौरान लेह लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रु.का सड़क घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई जांच जारी है.
सदाकांत इस समय समाज कल्याण विभाग के आयुक्त हैं. वे दो साल पहले
केंद्रीय प्रतिनियुक्ति पर गृह मंत्रालय में ज्वाइंट सेक्रेटरी के पद पर
कार्यरत थे. उस समय लेह-लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रुपये का सड़क घोटाला हुआ.
सीबीआई ने 2010 में केस दर्ज करते हुए सदाकांत को भी आरोपित बनाया. उनके
दिल्ली स्थित घर की तलाशी भी हुई थी. इस मामले की गंभीरता का अंदाजा इसी
बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि केंद्र सरकार ने घोटाले का सूत्रधार मानते
हुए सदाकांत की प्रतिनियुक्ति बीच में रद्द करके उन्हें बीच में ही उनके
मूल काडर उत्तर प्रदेश वापस भेज दिया.
महेश गुप्ता
पद: आबकारी आयुक्त
मामला: 1998 में कर्मचारी भर्ती घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई ने आरोप पत्र दाखिल कर दिया है
आबकारी जैसे महत्वपूर्ण विभाग में आयुक्त का पद संभाल रहे महेश गुप्ता का
दामन भी सीबीआई जांच से दागदार है. 1998 में सूचना विभाग में कर्मचारियों
की हुई भर्ती में घोटाले की जांच सरकार ने सीबीआई से करवाई. भर्ती घोटाले
के समय गुप्ता सूचना विभाग में निदेशक थे. सीबीआई ने 2008 में महेश
गुप्ता सहित कई अन्य अधिकारियों के खिलाफ चार्जशीट दाखिल की थी.
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दरबार के दागी रतन
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06/07/2012 06:22:00
जिस हल्ले के साथ अखिलेश की सत्ता में वापसी हुई थी, वह मंद पड़ रहा है.
जिस नई राजनीति की चर्चा थी, उस पर सवाल उठाए जा रहे हैं. ऐसा व्यक्ति जो
चौतरफा आरोपितों, दागियों और भ्रष्टों से घिरा है, क्या वह ईमानदार फैसले
ले सकता है? आखिर क्या मजबूरी रही अखिलेश यादव की जो उन्होंने चुन-चुन कर
ऐसे अधिकारियों को महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर बैठाया जिनके ऊपर तरह-तरह के आरोप
हैं. जयप्रकाश त्रिपाठी की रिपोर्ट.
अनिता सिंह
पद: सचिव, मुख्यमंत्री
मामला: गोमतीनगर भूमि घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सुप्रीम कोर्ट में विचाराधीन
अखिलेश यादव ने मुख्यमंत्री पद की शपथ लेते ही 15 मार्च की दोपहर आईएएस
अधिकारी अनीता सिंह को मुख्यमंत्री के सचिव पद का तोहफा दिया. 2005 में
सपा सरकार के कुछ करीबी नेताओं व अधिकारियों को नियम-कानूनों को दरकिनार
कर गोमतीनगर जैसे पॉश इलाके में प्लाट आवंटित करने का आरोप सिंह पर है.
खुद उनके नाम भी एक प्लॉट आवंटित हुआ था. मामला सुप्रीम कोर्ट में
विचाराधीन होने के बावजूद अखिलेश यादव ने उन्हें इतना महत्वपूर्ण ओहदा
दिया. दबी जुबान से यह भी कहा जा रहा है कि अनीता सिंह को मुलायम सिंह के
पिछले कार्यकाल में सपाइयों के प्रति दिखाई गई हमदर्दी का इनाम दिया गया
राजीव कुमार
पद: प्रमुख सचिव
मामला: नोएडा प्लॉट आवंटन घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई चार्जशीट दाखिल हो चुकी है
राजीव कुमार सचिवालय के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण ओहदे पर हैं. इनके ऊपर नोएडा के
प्लाट आवंटन घोटाले में सीबीआई की चार्जशीट है. मुलायम सिंह के पिछले
कार्यकाल में मुख्य सचिव रही नीरा यादव के साथ राजीव कुमार पर नोएडा भूमि
आवंटन घोटाले के छींटे पड़े थे. सीबीआई ने उन्हें आरोपित बनाया था. मामला
अभी गाजियाबाद की सीबीआई कोर्ट में चल रहा है. मई, 2012 में सीबीआई कोर्ट
ने बयान दर्ज करवाने के लिए राजीव कुमार को तलब किया था.
पंधारी यादव
पद : विशेष सचिव, मुख्यमंत्री
मामला : सोनभद्र में तैनाती के दौरान मनरेगा में करोड़ों रुपये का गबन हुआ
मौजूदा स्थितिः मामला रफा-दफा कर दिया गया है
मुख्यमंत्री सचिवालय में तैनात आईएएस पंधारी यादव आज जितना सपा के करीब
हैं मार्च, 2012 से पहले तक उतना ही बसपा सरकार के भी करीब थे. दो साल से
अधिक समय तक यादव सोनभद्र जिले के डीएम रहे और उनके कार्यकाल में करोड़ों
के घपले मनरेगा में होते रहे. केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की जांच टीमों ने
दौरा करके इस घोटाले को उजागर किया. बहुजन समाज पार्टी की सरकार ने
सीबीआई जांच को टालने के लिए निचले स्तर के कुछ अधिकारियों को निलंबित कर
दिया और यादव को डीएम के पद से हटा कर यमुना एक्सप्रेसवे अथारिटी में भेज
राकेश बहादुर
पद: चेयरमैन, नोएडा अथॉरिटी
मामला: नोएडा में पांच सितारा होटलों के प्लॉट आवंटन में घोटाला.
प्रवर्तन निदेशालय में मनी लॉन्डरिंग मामला
मौजूदा स्थितिः प्रवर्तन निदेशालय को उनके जवाब का इंतजार है
नोएडा अथारिटी के चेयरमैन राकेश बहादुर पिछली सपा सरकार में भी इसी पद पर
तैनात थे. 2006 में नोएडा में थ्री, फोर व फाइव स्टार होटलों के लिए
प्लॉट आवंटन हुए थे. इसमें कथित घोटाले को देखते हुए बसपा सरकार ने 2007
में इन आवंटनों को रद्द कर दिया था. साल 2009 में राकेश बहादुर को
मायावती ने निलंबित भी कर दिया था. 2010 में प्रवर्तन निदेशालय ने इनके
खिलाफ मनी लॉन्डरिंग का केस दर्ज करके नोटिस जारी किया है.
संजीव सरन
पद: सीईओ, नोएडा
मामला: नोएडा प्लॉट आवंटन घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः मामला आर्थिक अपराध शाखा के हवाले कर दिया गया
संजीव सरन मुलायम सिंह की सरकार में नोएडा के सीईओ थे और अखिलेश सरकार
में फिर से उसी पद पर भेजे गए हैं. 2006 में नोएडा में हुए 4,000 करोड़
से भी अधिक के कथित भूमि घोटाले में पूर्ववर्ती बीएसपी सरकार के कार्यकाल
में इन्हें निलंबित कर दिया गया था. नोएडा के सेक्टर 20 थाने में इनके
खिलाफ प्राथमिकी भी दर्ज हुई थी. बाद में यह मामला आर्थिक अपराध शाखा की
मेरठ ब्रांच को सौंप दिया गया. विडंबना है कि जिस पद पर रहते हुए सरन
भ्रष्टाचार के आरोप में घिरे और फिलहाल जांच का सामना कर रहे हैं उसी पद
पर सपा सरकार ने उन्हें फिर से विराजमान कर दिया है.
पद: आयुक्त, समाज कल्याण विभाग
मामला: प्रतिनियुक्ति के दौरान लेह लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रु.का सड़क घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई जांच जारी है.
सदाकांत इस समय समाज कल्याण विभाग के आयुक्त हैं. वे दो साल पहले
केंद्रीय प्रतिनियुक्ति पर गृह मंत्रालय में ज्वाइंट सेक्रेटरी के पद पर
कार्यरत थे. उस समय लेह-लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रुपये का सड़क घोटाला हुआ.
सीबीआई ने 2010 में केस दर्ज करते हुए सदाकांत को भी आरोपित बनाया. उनके
दिल्ली स्थित घर की तलाशी भी हुई थी. इस मामले की गंभीरता का अंदाजा इसी
बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि केंद्र सरकार ने घोटाले का सूत्रधार मानते
हुए सदाकांत की प्रतिनियुक्ति बीच में रद्द करके उन्हें बीच में ही उनके
मूल काडर उत्तर प्रदेश वापस भेज दिया.
महेश गुप्ता
पद: आबकारी आयुक्त
मामला: 1998 में कर्मचारी भर्ती घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई ने आरोप पत्र दाखिल कर दिया है
आबकारी जैसे महत्वपूर्ण विभाग में आयुक्त का पद संभाल रहे महेश गुप्ता का
दामन भी सीबीआई जांच से दागदार है. 1998 में सूचना विभाग में कर्मचारियों
की हुई भर्ती में घोटाले की जांच सरकार ने सीबीआई से करवाई. भर्ती घोटाले
के समय गुप्ता सूचना विभाग में निदेशक थे. सीबीआई ने 2008 में महेश
गुप्ता सहित कई अन्य अधिकारियों के खिलाफ चार्जशीट दाखिल की थी.
अखिलेश यादव के दरबार के दागी रतन : सदाकांत -समाज कल्याण विभाग
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दरबार के दागी रतन
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06/07/2012 06:22:00
जिस हल्ले के साथ अखिलेश की सत्ता में वापसी हुई थी, वह मंद पड़ रहा है.
जिस नई राजनीति की चर्चा थी, उस पर सवाल उठाए जा रहे हैं. ऐसा व्यक्ति जो
चौतरफा आरोपितों, दागियों और भ्रष्टों से घिरा है, क्या वह ईमानदार फैसले
ले सकता है? आखिर क्या मजबूरी रही अखिलेश यादव की जो उन्होंने चुन-चुन कर
ऐसे अधिकारियों को महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर बैठाया जिनके ऊपर तरह-तरह के आरोप
हैं. जयप्रकाश त्रिपाठी की रिपोर्ट.
पद: आयुक्त, समाज कल्याण विभाग
मामला: प्रतिनियुक्ति के दौरान लेह लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रु.का सड़क घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई जांच जारी है.
सदाकांत इस समय समाज कल्याण विभाग के आयुक्त हैं. वे दो साल पहले
केंद्रीय प्रतिनियुक्ति पर गृह मंत्रालय में ज्वाइंट सेक्रेटरी के पद पर
कार्यरत थे. उस समय लेह-लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रुपये का सड़क घोटाला हुआ.
सीबीआई ने 2010 में केस दर्ज करते हुए सदाकांत को भी आरोपित बनाया. उनके
दिल्ली स्थित घर की तलाशी भी हुई थी. इस मामले की गंभीरता का अंदाजा इसी
बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि केंद्र सरकार ने घोटाले का सूत्रधार मानते
हुए सदाकांत की प्रतिनियुक्ति बीच में रद्द करके उन्हें बीच में ही उनके
मूल काडर उत्तर प्रदेश वापस भेज दिया.
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दरबार के दागी रतन
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06/07/2012 06:22:00
जिस हल्ले के साथ अखिलेश की सत्ता में वापसी हुई थी, वह मंद पड़ रहा है.
जिस नई राजनीति की चर्चा थी, उस पर सवाल उठाए जा रहे हैं. ऐसा व्यक्ति जो
चौतरफा आरोपितों, दागियों और भ्रष्टों से घिरा है, क्या वह ईमानदार फैसले
ले सकता है? आखिर क्या मजबूरी रही अखिलेश यादव की जो उन्होंने चुन-चुन कर
ऐसे अधिकारियों को महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर बैठाया जिनके ऊपर तरह-तरह के आरोप
हैं. जयप्रकाश त्रिपाठी की रिपोर्ट.
पद: आयुक्त, समाज कल्याण विभाग
मामला: प्रतिनियुक्ति के दौरान लेह लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रु.का सड़क घोटाला
मौजूदा स्थितिः सीबीआई जांच जारी है.
सदाकांत इस समय समाज कल्याण विभाग के आयुक्त हैं. वे दो साल पहले
केंद्रीय प्रतिनियुक्ति पर गृह मंत्रालय में ज्वाइंट सेक्रेटरी के पद पर
कार्यरत थे. उस समय लेह-लद्दाख में 200 करोड़ रुपये का सड़क घोटाला हुआ.
सीबीआई ने 2010 में केस दर्ज करते हुए सदाकांत को भी आरोपित बनाया. उनके
दिल्ली स्थित घर की तलाशी भी हुई थी. इस मामले की गंभीरता का अंदाजा इसी
बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि केंद्र सरकार ने घोटाले का सूत्रधार मानते
हुए सदाकांत की प्रतिनियुक्ति बीच में रद्द करके उन्हें बीच में ही उनके
मूल काडर उत्तर प्रदेश वापस भेज दिया.
1983 batch IAS officer Sadakant prime accused in the corruption case
New Delhi: The CBI will soon question Sadakant, a senior IAS officer,
serving in the Home Ministry as Joint Secretary (border management),
who was sent back to his parent cadre Uttar Pradesh for allegedly
favouring two private companies in a road construction project in Leh.
According to the investigating agency, "Sadakant is the prime accused
in the corruption case of Rs 200 crore contract." The CBI officials
have not ruled out his arrest in the case.
The CBI had registered a case in October last year against eight
persons and two private companies in Dehradun in which General Manager
of NPCC's Faridabad unit, Joint General Manager of NPCC at Dehradun
and a contractor were named.
The Director of Hyderabad-based CEC Projects Pvt Ltd, M V Rao, and
three others were also accused in the case.
Inquiries from the accused and seized documents have given the
investigating agency adequate evidence of Sadakant's involvement in
the Rs 200 crore corruption case. The agency also carried out search
at his residence in Delhi last month.
According to highly placed sources, "The documents found during the
search give strong indication of Sadakant's involvement." "The agency
sought permission from Home Ministry and Ministry of Personnel to
investigate the role of Sadakant," CBI official added.
serving in the Home Ministry as Joint Secretary (border management),
who was sent back to his parent cadre Uttar Pradesh for allegedly
favouring two private companies in a road construction project in Leh.
According to the investigating agency, "Sadakant is the prime accused
in the corruption case of Rs 200 crore contract." The CBI officials
have not ruled out his arrest in the case.
The CBI had registered a case in October last year against eight
persons and two private companies in Dehradun in which General Manager
of NPCC's Faridabad unit, Joint General Manager of NPCC at Dehradun
and a contractor were named.
The Director of Hyderabad-based CEC Projects Pvt Ltd, M V Rao, and
three others were also accused in the case.
Inquiries from the accused and seized documents have given the
investigating agency adequate evidence of Sadakant's involvement in
the Rs 200 crore corruption case. The agency also carried out search
at his residence in Delhi last month.
According to highly placed sources, "The documents found during the
search give strong indication of Sadakant's involvement." "The agency
sought permission from Home Ministry and Ministry of Personnel to
investigate the role of Sadakant," CBI official added.
CBI sought sanction to question 1983 batch IAS officer Sada Kant
MHA Joint Secy under CBI scanner for graft
Hours after the Union Home Ministry ordered repatriation of 1983 batch
IAS officer Sada Kant, presently on deputation with the ministry, the
CBI said the IAS officer might be arrested for his alleged role in the
award of a contract relating to construction of high altitude road at
Leh (J&K) awarded to National Project Construction Corporation (NPCC).
The agency had sought MHA's sanction to prosecute Kant after his name
surfaced during investigations in April this year.
Officials at MHA said Sada Kant was accused of favouring a private
construction firm in an NPCC project. He has has been prematurely
repatriated to his parent cadre.
"The decision to repatriate 1983-batch Uttar Pradesh-cadre IAS officer
Sada Kant, who was posted as Joint Secretary (Border Management), was
taken after the CBI sought sanction to question him in the case. Sada
Kant was on Central deputation since 2007 and was scheduled to
complete the five-year term in 2012," said an MHA official.
The CBI said it would question Kant soon and would confront him with
available documentary evidence. "The CBI had registered a case in
October last year against eight persons and two private companies in
Dehradun in which general manager of NPCC's Faridabad unit, joint
general manager of NPCC at Dehradun and a contractor were named. The
director of Hyderabad-based CEC Projects Pvt Ltd M V Rao and three
others were also accused in the case," said a CBI official.
During the investigations, the name of the IAS officer surfaced in
April this year after which it was included in the FIR. A search at
his Chanakyapuri residence in Delhi was also carried out by a CBI team
at the same time. CBI spokeswoman Dharini Mishra said, "We have sought
the questioning of Sada Kant in April this year. He has been named as
one of the accused in the case". It is alleged that the private
companies paid a huge sum of money to Kant in connection with a Rs 200
crore-contract pertaining to construction of a road at Leh in Jammu
and Kashmir awarded to NPCC by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Hours after the Union Home Ministry ordered repatriation of 1983 batch
IAS officer Sada Kant, presently on deputation with the ministry, the
CBI said the IAS officer might be arrested for his alleged role in the
award of a contract relating to construction of high altitude road at
Leh (J&K) awarded to National Project Construction Corporation (NPCC).
The agency had sought MHA's sanction to prosecute Kant after his name
surfaced during investigations in April this year.
Officials at MHA said Sada Kant was accused of favouring a private
construction firm in an NPCC project. He has has been prematurely
repatriated to his parent cadre.
"The decision to repatriate 1983-batch Uttar Pradesh-cadre IAS officer
Sada Kant, who was posted as Joint Secretary (Border Management), was
taken after the CBI sought sanction to question him in the case. Sada
Kant was on Central deputation since 2007 and was scheduled to
complete the five-year term in 2012," said an MHA official.
The CBI said it would question Kant soon and would confront him with
available documentary evidence. "The CBI had registered a case in
October last year against eight persons and two private companies in
Dehradun in which general manager of NPCC's Faridabad unit, joint
general manager of NPCC at Dehradun and a contractor were named. The
director of Hyderabad-based CEC Projects Pvt Ltd M V Rao and three
others were also accused in the case," said a CBI official.
During the investigations, the name of the IAS officer surfaced in
April this year after which it was included in the FIR. A search at
his Chanakyapuri residence in Delhi was also carried out by a CBI team
at the same time. CBI spokeswoman Dharini Mishra said, "We have sought
the questioning of Sada Kant in April this year. He has been named as
one of the accused in the case". It is alleged that the private
companies paid a huge sum of money to Kant in connection with a Rs 200
crore-contract pertaining to construction of a road at Leh in Jammu
and Kashmir awarded to NPCC by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Akhilesh govt spent four times on ads than Maya, reveals RTI
An RTI Activist revealed that the state government of Uttar Pradesh
has left behind his predecessor Chief Minister, Mayawati in spending
tax payers' money on advertisements.
link to the news
has left behind his predecessor Chief Minister, Mayawati in spending
tax payers' money on advertisements.
link to the news
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